exercises that dont involve legs...

lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
iv hurt my knee but dont wanna stop exercising anyone know anything i can do til my knee gets better??


  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Swimming is a great cardio workout that is pretty easy on the legs. If that is too difficult (or you don't have access to a pool), could try a rowing machine possibly. Weights, of course, are always an option, and that will help build muscle (which will burn more calories), but weight loss will be slower if you can't add cardio.
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    I agree with above...swimming definitely! That might actually HELP your knee. You could also still lift your upper body so you can still get a slow burn!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    In addition to the many other things you can do with your upper body, you can still use your uninjured leg. Research has shown that where folks with a completely immobilized limb worked the non-immobilized limb, the injured limb maintained more of its fitness than people who did not work the still mobile limb. They can't exactly explain it yet, but they do have shown statistically significant differences. So keep up the work with the other leg ... if you go to a gym, ask a trainer to show you how.

    For upper body exercises, check out http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwfit/upperbod.html
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    Shadow boxing shadow boxing SHADOW BOXING. You can work up an INCREDIBLE sweat sitting in a chair with it.
  • I don't know how serious your knee injury is, but about a year ago I blew out my acl and mcl in my right knee. My Orthopedic surgeon told me that biking is a great exercise to help strengthen the knee and not as stressful on it..hope that helps :o)
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    its not a major injury i dont think just sore enough that i cant bend it,
    i dont go to a gym i workout at home most of my workouts come from dance dvds,
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Formerly being in the nursing field, I agree with TrainerRobin and skynyrdchick, as it is important to still keep injured limbs and joints active, even if the movement is limited. It promotes faster recovery time and keeps the affected area's muscle strength and function from deteriorating. In fact, a day right after most surgeries, especially for sports related injuries, patients are sent to the physical therapist to perform range of motion activities, not only as assessment, but to keep it active. For non-sports related procedures, they will tell you to ambulate (walk) around as soon as you are comfortable enough to do so, for the same reason.

    Decreased motor movement will affect your activities of daily living. Don't neglect your lower body workouts. As already mentioned, swimming and biking are great low-impact cardio that can help with a rehabilitating knee. If those may be too hard, perform isometric stretching and exercises where you do slow, controlled movements and hold the finished position for about 5 - 10 seconds, then slowly return it back to its original position.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    im still walking around and everything but some of my workouts can be quite intense i will be getting bck to it tomorrow tho feel really lazy today not really doing anything.
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