2 Questions - Nutrisystem, Not eating all calories

markdt098 Posts: 13 Member
Okay, I just started a diet a little while ago and I have a couple of questions.

1. I am going under my recommended calorie mark every day. I'm 5'9" and 246 pounds and MFP recommends 1650 a day to lose 2 lbs/ a week. However, I normally eat around 1100-1350, and I feel full! I am used to small portions now so less fills me up. Is this unsafe?

2. I want to start Nutrisystem. I have already been watching my calories and have been very strict about my diet. In 10 days I have not cheated once and I feel great. I feel as though I have my discipline taken care of so that if I start Nutrisystem I won't be shocked by the low calories and small portions. I mainly want to do Nutrisystem for the convenience and so I know I am getting the correct nutrients. What do you all think about that?



  • markdt098
    markdt098 Posts: 13 Member
    Okay, I just started a diet a little while ago and I have a couple of questions.

    1. I am going under my recommended calorie mark every day. I'm 5'9" and 246 pounds and MFP recommends 1650 a day to lose 2 lbs/ a week. However, I normally eat around 1100-1350, and I feel full! I am used to small portions now so less fills me up. Is this unsafe?

    2. I want to start Nutrisystem. I have already been watching my calories and have been very strict about my diet. In 10 days I have not cheated once and I feel great. I feel as though I have my discipline taken care of so that if I start Nutrisystem I won't be shocked by the low calories and small portions. I mainly want to do Nutrisystem for the convenience and so I know I am getting the correct nutrients. What do you all think about that?

  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I understand where your comming from, but being farther down the road the problem is can you keep it up for the rest of your life? I have been on every diet there is but because I wasn't able to maintain I gained everything back and then some and some and some ( you get the Idea) . I suggest you read the thread from Banks newbies read me 2nd edition and maybe you can save yourself a couple of headaches and do it right this time. :flowerforyou:
    That's my oppinion and you can do whatever you like, I wish you success:drinker:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I tried Nutrisystem and was unable to gag down the food. It was awful! Granted not everyone has the same taste but still, you should still enjoy what you eat. I lost weight (1-2 lbs) but that's cause I stopped eating cause it was so gross.
  • gonezobean
    gonezobean Posts: 154
    I noticed your profile says you're 19. What makes me nervous is that you should be developing a healthy understanding of food at this point in your life. If you dont you will be yo-yoing the indefinitly. With that in mind I would stick with meals preparred by you. take your time...healthy isnt a race
  • markdt098
    markdt098 Posts: 13 Member
    I understand that I need to develop a healthy understanding of food and nutrition. That's why I've decided to diet on my own for two weeks before I started a structured plan. I work full time and take an evening class so having pre-prepared meals sound great to me. I have tried diets in the past but I have never lasted more than 4 or 5 days on them. This is the first time I am truly serious about losing weight.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    you need to up your calories, you are not eating enough for your size. The body can be trained to feel full on very little food, but that doesn't mean you're getting what you need. It is likely that you will struggle to lose weight at these numbers due to starvation mode. When you up the calories it is likely you will gain a few pounds, because your body will grab onto the calories in preparation for the next bout of starvation. I HIGHLY recommend staying of the scale for a month of so, until things level out. Eventually your body will realize you ar eno longer starving it and you will begin to see results. good luck!
  • markdt098
    markdt098 Posts: 13 Member
    Okay, but I don't want to start stuffing my face again :noway: I've finally willed myself to no longer eat huge portions "just because" and I don't want to go back to that.

    Is there anything healthy that I can eat in relatively small portions to up my calories?
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    of course, 1 trick i use is to drink my calories. go with skim milk (fat free) or 100% fruit/vegetable juices. it's easy to up calories that way and it is nutritious! Or you can snack on nuts and seeds, high in calories but very good for you!
  • frankp
    frankp Posts: 83
    You've gotten some great advice on this thread. I also believe that diets that can't be maintained forever, like nutrisytem, lead to yo-yo dieting.

    The dirty secret of the weight loss industry is regarding their success rates or lack of success rates actually(I worked for a weight loss company for many years). They define success as for those that followed the program did they reach their goal weight?. Under that definition they have an exceptional success rate.

    However, if you define success as what % of their customers kept that weight off 2 years later. That comes up to less than 10%. But you can't find these numbers published as the weight loss companies in their on self interest won't do the study won't publish any data they have and won't participate in any such independent studies.

    Also, eat all or most all of your calories as Kerrilucko has said. Read this very important post by banks regarding that and how your metabolism will slow to starvation mode if you don't eat enough calories.

  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I understand that I need to develop a healthy understanding of food and nutrition. That's why I've decided to diet on my own for two weeks before I started a structured plan. I work full time and take an evening class so having pre-prepared meals sound great to me. I have tried diets in the past but I have never lasted more than 4 or 5 days on them. This is the first time I am truly serious about losing weight.

    There is a difference between pre-prepared food can't eat and prepared food you CAN eat. Sure, not having to worry about "cooking" or learning how to portion control yourself would be AWESOME! However, it defeats the purpose of making a lifestyle change (which is what this is....NOT a diet). If you are willing to fork over that kind of cash every month to eat those foods....you may have to be prepared to make that commitment for the rest of your life.

    The key is, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, etc (have their bonuses but minuses as well) is not teaching you the keys you need to learn to manage and control your own weight with your OWN foods. I can still eat pizza, but I can have 1-2 pieces not binge on 4. I can have chocolate, but I am WAY more picky about the type and when I have it. I also have to take responsibility for my choices. A set program like Nutrisystem makes all the choices for you with little lee-way to incorporate foods you love.

    For me the food was BLECK....but I'm a foody...I love good stuff, even if it means I have to have less of it.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    I think that to jump start your diet it's okay but that's a low number of calories. I would suggest upping exercise and calories (a little) when you're off nutrisystem and buy a cookbook.

    Some people on here are fanatics. :huh:

    Good luck!!

    If you don't know a lot about nutrition/food/portion sizes than something like Nutrisystem may work.

    I do NOT believe eating food "JUST BECAUSE", no matter WHAT people on MFP say. Those are bad habits and that's how we got here...
  • ragingtomato
    I've learned from people on this site that always eating the same number of calories is not really a good idea. If you always eat the same number of calories every day, your body will get used to it and you won't see results. I think if you try to change your intake every couple of days or so, it will keep your metabolism "on it's toes" and you'll burn fat much more easily.

    When I first heard this I was pretty skeptical because I didn't want to go over the 1200 calories a day MFP suggests. But if you exercise regularly (and switch up your exercises too, so your body doesn't get used to the same old thing and stop burning fat) you earn more calories that you're supposed to eat had you not exercised, so you do in reality have a different caloric intake each day without going over. If you feel satisfied with that low number of calories and you have more to spare, try healthy drinks or nuts, like others have suggested.

    Correct me if I'm wrong guys!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Alright, not sure who got "fanatical" on here....but shame on you. :noway:

    Why start with "fake food" and then try to jump to healthy/clean eating from there? When you can start with clean food that you buy and just have to take a little bit of your own time to make it.

    Maverick - For someone who doesn't support something as portioned, processed and controlled as 100 Cal packs I am surprised you are here supporting whole meals of processed food that is pre calculated and controled.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Well...I've lost more weight than you and I don't eat my exercise calories. :noway:

    I think 100 cal snack packs are a waste of money, yeah. I didn't say I didn't "support" them as I think it's BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD to eat processed foods never do it etc. I mean, I'm eating Subway for dinner...that's bread and cheese. That's processed.

    I'm not vegan or whole clean foods only or anything.

    But if the girl needs a boost - in the form of meals - and she doesn't have good eating habits but can control herself (which it looks like she can) then why not?

    Even the beloved Jullian Michaels has food by mail!

    She's not eating fake food. She's eating real food.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    PS I wouldn't RECCOMEND nutrisystem, as it's expensive and she can do it at home, but if she needs it temporarily or whatever, then fine.

    I'd be more worried about sodium content.

    But some people have the kind of lifestyle where prepackaged really helps...I know when I lost weight one year it did help out a lot (Lean Cuisine) after Judah was born cause I was in school and had a 2 year old.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Try something like Lean Cuisine over NutriSystem if you're that bent about it.
    Then grab a cookbook.


    If you really can't cook/are busy/worried about portions, get stuff like Tyson's grilled chicken strips (found in the fridge part, not the freezer, next to your lunch meats) etc.

    I'd stay away from canned veggies, though....the only one i cheat on is corn.
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Fanatical about eating exercise calories/calorie intake* is what I meant to say.

    A lot of people have said, "Well I lost weight eating exercise calories!" and I have lost weight NOT eating (or eating all of, since I don't exercise without replacing something) "exercise calories".
  • maverickyanda
    maverickyanda Posts: 422 Member
    Alright, not sure who got "fanatical" on here....but shame on you. :noway:

    Why start with "fake food" and then try to jump to healthy/clean eating from there? When you can start with clean food that you buy and just have to take a little bit of your own time to make it.

    Maverick - For someone who doesn't support something as portioned, processed and controlled as 100 Cal packs I am surprised you are here supporting whole meals of processed food that is pre calculated and controled.

    [edited by moderator]

    I don't SUPPORT nutrisystem in the sense that I'd reccomend it -- I just think that some things work for some people and I see how some people need/opt into that easier way of dieting at first.

    Me, it took awhile. < shrug >

    I also can't eat that stuff because of allergies and medical issues...sooooooo...anyway.

    Fanatical : Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal.

    To me - eating all of your exercise calories is irrational because every single medical article I've read on weight loss (including MayoClinic, WebMD, etc.!) would be counterproductive to weight loss. I've said it before and I'll say it again - when you produce a controlled study that says "eating your exercise calories" produces better results than not eating them, then I'll jump on your bandwagon.

    Everyone here also goes, DONT GO INTO STARVATION MODE!!!!!! if you go under calories when you get your wisdom teeth out. Your body is much more resilient than that. People here also have a "too much protein is bad for you!!!" mentality when its more of what kinds of meat/eggs/cheese you're eating, not just the grams.

    But anywhos.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey there,

    Well, you need to do what you think is best. I had considered nutri-system several months ago, but decided that if this was truly going to be a lifestyle change for ME, then I needed to learn to eat differently, learn about portion sizes, etc. I thought that if I was just given something and ate it, I wouldn't really have learned anything. But that was ME though. We are all programmed differently.

    Also, the calories each person needs can vary from person to person. There is not an exact science for any one person. It all depends on our age, weight, activity level and height. All that can help to figure out what your calories needed to maintain are and your calories needed to lose.

    I have lost 87 lbs since September. I haven't starved but just cut my calories enough. I just took it a week at a time..made little chanages as I went along. I do eat SOME of my exercise calories. As of right now, on days I don't work out, I eat around 1450ish...on days I do work out (I burn around 700 cals), I eat around 1800 calories. I am still losing consistently. But, I started out weighing 270 and am down to 183....so I have had to make some changes as I have lost.

    For me, I didn't want to start so low because then you have nowhere to go if you do hit a plateau...like if you start at 1200 calories and get stuck..yes you can up your exercise but lowering your calories much more isn't safe. So I just lower a bit at a time.

    Anyway, my point is that you need to figure out what will work for your body as everyone tends to respond to different things. And different things work for different people. You might need to play around with the numbers a bit to find what can work for you. And if you think doing nutri-system might help you learn about portions, etc..then go for it girl!! :)

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