Any Good Diet For Unusual Hours

I get up at 6am and start work at seven so i am never usualy that hungry till later in the day so never take a of breakfast. I finish at 3pm so a lot of time in the house or should i say away from work. We normally have something about 5 so its a long time till then. And usualy not a lot of calories left for the big diiner at night. So, needing something to nibble on or eat throughout the day.

Sounds complicated but well.

Tried toast etc but that a lot of calories. Any diet ideas would be great. :laugh: Bearing in mind i am in scotland so need calories to keep warm.:laugh:


  • KittyCathy
    KittyCathy Posts: 36 Member
    I Nibble on almonds, granola bars, or anything healthy that can be taken in a baggy. I go to college alot so it is hard for me to eat also.
  • jendiamond
    Kashi Granola Bars (there are some very yummy varieties, 100 Calorie pack popcorn (tons of food, goes a long way!) Rice cake snacks, Carrots, cucumbers, sandwich on low carb bread. Do you have Healthy Life bread there? 35 calories a's great...with some Laughing Cow cheese, 35 calories a wedge!
  • chunk3y_m0nk3y
    lol u would need to eat things to keep u warm..try eating nuts or even some fruit..both u can take with u where ever u go in a baggy or small container..even some 100 calorie snack bars would be a great idea cuz they r small and u can easily put them in ur pocket..try not to crush them!!..there is even 100 calorie snack packs like pretzels and trail mix and other things like that..that kind of stuff u would need to keep ur energy up and to keep u warm!!..hope this helps
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I am on about the same schedule, up at 5:30am start work at 7:30 finish 3:00. I usually eat a light protein at about 6:30 before I leave the house (turkey bacon or yogurt with some granola in it), then a snack for my break at 9:30 is usually a piece of fruit (apple, pear) at 11:30 I have lunch which is usually try to have around 400 calories (wraps and sandwiches mostly) and because of my kids activities in the evenings we eat early so dinner at 4:30ish (regular meat/yam/veggie kinda stuff) so I am usually not hungry in the afternoon because of the bigger lunch, then I have a light snack later in the evening after activities, usually about 8:00 (popcorn, a granola bar, etc), then bed at 10:30ish. I find that on this schedule I am eating about every 2-3 hours and don't really feel hungry between.

    My breakdown is 1200cal/day so usually 150ish for breakfast, 400ish for lunch, 550ish for dinner, and 100ish for my evening light snack. My diary is open if you choose to peek. I'm in Canada, so also very cold here :laugh: