What really is the problem...

I was watching a show the other day and there was a guest on the show who was talking about gastric bypass. He said that there was new and exciting news he wanted to share with the public. So that kind of peak my interest so I stayed tuned waiting for this news.

Well, here is this doctor on public television talking about Gastric Bypass surgery and the benefits of having it. Here was this doctor talking about the “success stories” he has encountered and how they have “changed” their lives. (Well the one argument you will not get from me is that their lives are changed forever, but success stories that’s another issue.). Here is this doctor throwing out all these medical terms to the public trying to show us that he was really intelligent and knew what he was talking about. Then at about half way thru the segment he hits us with the news. “THEY WILL NO LONGER JUST BE DOING THIS SURGERY FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE MORBIDLY OBESE BUT THEY WILL GO DOWN TO PEOPLE THAT HAVE A BMI OF 30 NOW”. As you can imagine if I could jump thru the television and land in the studio I would have. How lazy have we really become? How much more brain washing do we need to endure? Help me with this!

Ok, I will agree with something thing that he said. Any person who has this surgery will have a total life change. Now let me be more specific about the life change that will occur. You will never be able to have the freedom to enjoy food as you once could. You will have to eat in a different way. Now at first this doesn’t sound so bad but here is the kicker. What are you going to do when you gain a lot of that weight back? Now what? Don’t kid yourself you will.

Guys, let me be straight with you. The problem is not the food. For most people the problem is much deeper than that and just by losing the weight doesn’t make the problem go away. In most cases it is a mental issue that needs to be addressed and finally put to rest. Maybe it stems back to a childhood problem such as you getting laughed at for some reason. Or maybe your parents were always overweight and it has been common nature for you to be that way. Maybe it was that you were never accepted in any circles and because of that you are depressed. Then you began to gain weight and people began noticing you and you liked that. Whatever it is, it needs to be addressed and finally dealt with.

I don’t know if I shared this with you all before but when I was in high school many things happened to me and most of them were bad. In my senior year I had one goal and that was to be MVP of my track team. I worked hard that whole year. I ran when it was raining, snowing, hot or cold and night and day. That summer prior to my senior year, I joined a city track team just to get more experience with running. Well that year I went undefeated in the 100 meters all the way up to the State meet, the final meet of the season. I had won more events that year and broke more records that year than I had in previous years. Well the awards night came and I just knew that I was going to get it. No one had gone as far or gotten as much as I had that year. To my disbelief someone else got it. I was devastated and could not believe what I heard. To add insult to injury I was asked to give the coach his award for that year.

Here is where I am going with that. For years, well 26 years to be exact, everything I did revolved around me proving to him that I was worthy of that award. The sales jobs I took. The track meets I ran in. The house I bought. The position I held at my church. Everything I did I did with one thing in mind, I am important. I even ran for a public office and won.

Now for that 26 years that I was going thru this, I really had no idea that that was the reason why until one day when everything came to a head and I went thru a major crisis. I was at church and the pastor was talking about past things that may have happened in one life that have molded us to who we are today. He stated that for those who have done wrong to you, you must forgive them so that you can move on. He said that 9 times out of 10 they have forgotten about it and all you are doing is killing yourself constantly thinking about it. He said the best thing to do was to write a letter to that person forgiving them. However he then said not to mail the letter but throw it out never to be revisited again. Well you know me, I did write the letter, but I mailed it to him. Once I finished that letter and it was gone and he received it (I sent it certified) I felt worlds better. I felt that a weight had been lifted from me and I could not go one with life. I have had conversation with him since and we are friends now.

Guys, for those that have weight issues, don’t blame the food. God made it for us to eat. Something else is going on. Find it and deal with it. I tell my weight loss people that same thing. As you lose the weight things are going to come up. Issues are going to surface. Deal with them once and for all and then move on. Don’t try and bury them. It will only get you right back to where you are today.

My final word is this. This does not just happen with overweight people but those that are under weight too. On either end of the spectrum it is not healthy. Find someone that can help you help yourself. Ask yourself the question, why are you the way you are? Then once answered… fix it.


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I wish a friend of mine would read this, and GET this!!
    Thanks for posting Kevin!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Oh so true. I was talking with one of the psychologists I work with and she told me I should write a book on some of my lifes experiences, she can't believe I'm stable after some things. I think that attitude make such a difference. It took me years, and some struggles along the way to realize that I did deserve for good things to happen. I try to see the best in people around me, pick people that aren't toxic and always take the positive approach. You can't relive the past, but you can always learn from it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Of the three people I've known who've had it, one is doing ok, one is having major problems and can't keep any food down, and one is dead.

    I'd rather be overweight than sick or dead.