Let's try this again.....

My daughter told me about an app for our phones for My Fitness Pal....I had seen she and her boyfriend posting on Facebook about it and looked into it - I had just downloaded to my phone. She asked me for my user name, so she could be my friend....and then came back to tell me she found me and I had joined on the website back in Dec 2009. I had no memory of doing so - but then again, I can understand why. I saw the post I made the day I joined - Dec 31, 2009. I must have posted early that day - because later in the day my world took a detour south.

My husband had been in the hospital since Dec 16th. On Dec 29th, he transferred to a Hospice facilty, as a tansistion before going to a long term care facility. On that day and the next, he was alert and talking - seeming to be doing well, all things considering. That had all changed when we got there on the 31st. Overnight he had gone downhill....and that day the Dr told me he did not expect Rich would see many days in the new year. It hit me hard.....I was not prepared for that. I really had expected he would go into a long term care facility and eventually return home, when he got his strength back. Rich passed away at 8:03PM on Jan 1st, 2010. No wonder I forgot about joining MFP, eh?

So here I am again.....with even more weight to lose now. I had lost 50+ pounds about 3 years ago.....and as happens with so many - I've found it all and then some.

My hardest part is the motivation to really get started. 3 years ago it was a contest with a bunch of coworkers - we did a Biggest Loser type thing - and there was $250 waiting for the winner. I lost the most weight pound wise - but we went by percentages and the skinny little girl won that so easily it hurt!

There is no interest in doing such a thing again. I need to find someone to go thru this with - to hold me accountable. To make me get out walking, biking - even going to the gym. My daughter lives over 2 hours away - and I am guessing she must be on here for the fitness part and to support her boyfriend, who also joined- she certainly does not need to lose weight.

This is a start.....the first day of the rest of my life. Wish me luck!