New to MFP - Vet when it comes to dieting

Hello my name is Rena and I'm new to the MFP site. That is because I successfully lost 100 lbs on Atkins about 3 years ago. I moved from Los Angeles to Dallas, and put on about 20 lbs. I tried to go back to my old faithful diet but found that my body rejected it!!! I didn't lose weight and was nauseous all the time.

I started watching my caloric intake about 3 and 1/2 weeks ago, I'm 5'9 and weight 165...simply trying to lose 10 lbs. I get super focused when dieting so I do about an 1 hr of cardio everyday and usually eat under 1100 calories. I've read on here this is bad, but I'm not starving...or at least mentally I'm not.

Anyway, its been a week and I haven't lost any weight, does anyone think I'm under eating? I also eat SUPER healthy and mainly fruits/veggies. If I need to up calories, what kinds of foods can I add in that still make me feel good?!?!

Sorry I know its alot, but I'm new to the calorie thing and kind of lost!!


  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    nuts are high in protein and add calories pretty easily if you need more energy maybe a slice of peanut butter toast just a few ideas :) and i think you need to eat more good luck
  • PattiPositive
    I eat 1200 - 1400 a day. I would up it just a little. I eat ultra healthy and fudge sometime. If you don't fuel the body, it holds onto the fat. Look up what your body's daily needs are and then subtract 500. Thats how I understood it. But I was told not less that 1200. You can google a caloric needs calculator.