First Post ( Very unoriginal tag, sorry ;) )

christ1355 Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I'm Katie, I'm twenty years old. I work and go to school full time so my life is full of driving around and skipping meals and drinking lots of coffee. Also I work at a restraunt, so I eat alot of whatever is at hand. All and all not a very healthy lifestyle, and the weight has snuck up on me.
I've decided that I really need to do something to get rid of the weight, both to be healthier and also to fit into the clothes I own so i don't need to buy new ones! I came on here for a little support because my boyfriend thinks that I will be back to my old ways after about at week, so I'm getting no support from him ( doesn't make my task any easier).

Hope to hear from someone,


  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Haha......when you have people like that in your life......let it just inspire you to prove them wrong!!

    Sometimes boyfriends and husbands don't like their girls to lose they may get more attractive to other guys :-)

    So they get a little insecure..

    Good luck's gonna be hard when you're around food all the time!

    Try not to be hungry by eating and snacking on healthy things reguarly.
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    Good luck, Katie!!! Just know that you can always find support on here - and don't let anyone, EVER, bring you down! And - a piece of advice (not that you asked for it) - but don't make excuses for yourself. Just because you eat on the go, doesn't mean you can't eat healthy. And to make this website work for you, it really does help to track every single thing you eat. That way, when you look at it at the end of the day, you know what's working and what isn't. It really is a great tool. Good luck!!
  • heya I'm in much the same position as you. I go to university & work in a resturant. Will add you as a friend & hopefully we can support each other
  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    Good Luck Katie and welcome to this site. The support you receive here is awesome, so just shrug off the lack of support your boyfriend is giving. Please feel free to add me as a friend and again Good Luck.
  • Hello Katie, Im Erica and im tryen my darnest to lose some weight as well and I think this is going to be a great help. Im a mother to a wonderful little boy and I work fulltime as well, however i do receptionist work so I do alot of sitting. If you need some support or just someone to cheer ya on Id be yhappy to help..
  • Mellene
    Mellene Posts: 12
    Hi Katie, your situation is very close to mine. I'm new here as well and at the moment getting no support from my friends, only my mom who lives far away and even she nags me about it (doesn't sound motivational anyways :( )
    I Would be glad to help you out with motivation as I am trying to stay positive myself, and getting to the gym and eating properly.
    Good luck :)
  • Hi,

    I know you'll find friends on here that can help motivate and support you the same way I did! My boyfriend doesn't really take much notice or interest but one day (sooner rather than later hopefully!) i'll look hot, feel confident and he'll be chasing me lol!

    Sending a friend request your way, wish you well :smile:
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Hi Katie!

    Like your bf mine offered very little support, but he eventually came around so I hope your will as well! Perhaps we can keep each other accountable friend request coming :).

    - K
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