Where's that blog about TurboFire??

There was a blog on here not to long ago...I wish the blogs had "search". It was a man who had been in the filming/test group for ChaLene Extreme and he was talking about gaining weight the first week or two after starting...Does anyone remember that? It would be great if that guy were on and saw this post. Anyway, I think he was saying that it was swelling from starting a new work out. If anyone can confirm I would love a link or something. I'm trying to encourage a friend that has gained immediately after starting TurboFire and we know that you don't gain muscle the first week, so...I don't know I am just looking for something else to go with here.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I just started Chalene Extreme 2 weeks ago. Yes, whenever your muscles are sore, they will retain water. But should be no more than 2 or 3 pounds. I am no longer sore, so I don't experience this anymore.