any triathletes?

Any triathletes here at all? Or anyone thinking of doing one? :smile:


  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    That's one of my long-term goals.

    My ex & I rode bikes back before the kiddos came along. When I met my boyfriend 2 years ago he helped me re-discover my love of cycling (can't believe I went that long without a ride!!). I've always been a strong swimmer. I was even a lifeguard back in high school. Running is what most frightens me. I've started working a little into my walks here & there, but I have a long ways to go before I'm even ready for a 5K, let alone a mini-tri.

    Do you tri?
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hi :happy:

    Yes I tri... have tri-d... hope to be tri-ing again soon... :ohwell: I got a bit injured when I overdid things last year, so just returning to full fitness now and a few kilos to lose post injury.

    I've done all the distances from sprint to Ironman but the really long distance stuff kills me in training. I just don't have the mechanics for 3 hour runs etc, but I love the sport so will be sticking to shorter distances that are over in 3 hours. LOL

    It's a really friendly sport and there are many shorter and newbie friendly races. Being a strong swimmer is half the battle, as you'll come out of the water with much fresher legs than a weak swimmer, and ready for the bike.

    I'm not particularly good but it's such a laugh!! :laugh:
  • mboone4541
    mboone4541 Posts: 14 Member
    I do about 6-10 races a year; I agree that it is a very friendly sport!!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I recently signed up do my first one this coming April so I am currently in training and having a great time doing it. Struggling a little in the pool but I have faith! I have a sneaking suspicion that this may become an addiction...
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep! I started w/ a sprint almost 4 years ago and finished my first Half IronMan last year. Shooting for another sprint, Olympic, and Half IronMan this year!! Love it!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I do about 6-10 races a year; I agree that it is a very friendly sport!!

    That's what I like about it. I'm very much a "back of the pack" person but have always enjoyed great support from other competitors,, marshalls etc. :smile:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I recently signed up do my first one this coming April so I am currently in training and having a great time doing it. Struggling a little in the pool but I have faith! I have a sneaking suspicion that this may become an addiction...

    Excellent!!!! :happy:

    I couldn't actually swim when I signed up for my first tri in 2007. I wanted to get over my irrational phobia of deep water - I mean proper "fear of life" stuff. LOL I think I cried through the first 700m of my first Half Ironman swim because the lake was pitch black and had a really rough current and I was petrified... :laugh:

    Now I love it and it's great to conquer something that has held you back all your life. :drinker:
  • mboone4541
    mboone4541 Posts: 14 Member

    That's what I like about it. I'm very much a "back of the pack" person

    Hey, if it weren't for the back of the pack there would be no front of the pack, right??? I very much started at the back of the pack (I was next to last out of the water on my first swim), then I stuck with it and moved to near the middle of the pack. Stayed there for years, then started doing some interval training, and bought a new bike, and now I'm actually nearer the front. Of course it took me about 15 years to get there..... but anyway, it's all for fun so it doesn't matter where you finish anyway.
  • FlashBang
    FlashBang Posts: 136
    Count me in, Scheduled form March 3rd Sprint, and March 26th Olympic.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Did a couple sprint duathlons last year, this year scheduled for a sprint, olympic, and half iron triathlon. Swim is also my weakness, but it's slowly getting better and I still have several months to go before the first event.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'll soon be registering for a half Iron that will take place in October. I plan on getting in an Olympic in August and maybe a sprint before that if I can find one nearby. I've done all the distances in a half Iron separately, but never all in one shot, but I have lots of time to prepare. Finishing that half and getting in a few century rides are my goals for this year.

    Good luck to you all!!! :drinker:
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    I have done a marathon, but never a triathlon. I am seriously considering it... I would like to know more about it.

    What are the distances involved in each part? What's this I hear about a "mini-tri"? What distances are involved with that? Where do I find out when there will be one near me? How do I go about signing up? How much does it cost?

    Thank you! :smile:
  • stockers78
    stockers78 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I've done 7 sprints over the last two years, but have decided to go for half ironman this year!! Lots of training to do, and expect to be nearer the back too, but excited about seeing what I'm capable of :-)

  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I have done a marathon, but never a triathlon. I am seriously considering it... I would like to know more about it.

    What are the distances involved in each part? What's this I hear about a "mini-tri"? What distances are involved with that? Where do I find out when there will be one near me? How do I go about signing up? How much does it cost?

    Thank you! :smile:

    The "mini-tri" is actually called a sprint and they are great for beginners (like me). The one I'm doing in April is a 275m swim, 11 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run (5K). All very manageable. Google "sprint triathlon" and your city and I'm sure you can find one to sign up for. The one I'm doing was about $80, but I'm sure they vary. Good luck!!

    Glad to hear there are so many triathletes on here! You guys will be a great resource for me (I hope) when I have questions or hit a wall!! And I'm always willing to help any of y'all as well in any way that I can.
  • elpete
    elpete Posts: 12
    Yes. It's nice to have a reason and meaning to the exercise. Having goals aside from weight loss helps stay fit.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    For those of you who have ever had any length of "time out" for whatever reason...

    Which discipline did you find hardest to get back into?

    With cycling I seem to almost be able to pick up where I left off. Swimming endurance is sort of gone but not too bad. I'm struggling most to get the running back on track... :huh:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have done a marathon, but never a triathlon. I am seriously considering it... I would like to know more about it.

    What are the distances involved in each part? What's this I hear about a "mini-tri"? What distances are involved with that? Where do I find out when there will be one near me? How do I go about signing up? How much does it cost?

    Thank you! :smile:

    The "mini-tri" is actually called a sprint and they are great for beginners (like me). The one I'm doing in April is a 275m swim, 11 mile bike and a 3.1 mile run (5K). All very manageable.

    A full Sprint Distance in my experience is nearer 500-750m for the swim 15-20 miles for the bike and a 5k run.

    There are so called "Super Sprints" and the shortest distances I have seen are 250m/10mile/3k.
  • Michele0912
    How so many of you.. this is on my bucket list.. to do a triathlon. I trained all last summer for a 'tri-a-try" which is acutally the same as a mini try.. but my swimming is so weak, i backed out! :(
    i biked and i ran no issues there! but the swim.. well let me put it very bluntly.. I suck.. i never took lessons as a child, so i can't swim..

    i am going to hire someone starting March and i want to complete the mini tri this summer and hopefully summer of 2012 do a full tri.
    thank you all for being inspirations!
  • HayesSanborn
    HayesSanborn Posts: 34 Member
    Race in the Midwest manly. Being doing Tris since 2006. This year, plan on two sprints, 1/2 Iron man (Door County, WI), and end the season with Ironman Wisconsin. Really need to shed the lbs to reach my goal there. Front of the pack racer, but inspired by the back of the pack.

    A few bike races and running races in the spring to get things started.

    Word of caution: If you decide to 1 Triathlon but prepared to do many many more. Most people get hooked. :)
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    I looked into mini-tris in my area, and found one for July 3rd of this year! It looks like fun! I will sign up as soon as I can come up with the entry fee. I hope I do get addicted to this, it will be the best addiction I've ever had! I'm getting excited! :bigsmile: