
psychgirl7 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
This is my second time to MFP and I am having success this time! I've lost 6lbs (27 to go) and am losing about 1.5 to 2lbs a week. I cut back my portions, am drinking more and more water, am following my 1330 calorie day and am trying to work out every day, even if it's light. (I'm a pre-school aide, I'm always running around on my feet).
THAT being said, the one thing I can't give up is soda. I used to drink at least 2 fountain sodas a day or sweet tea and now I drink one, MAYBE two 12 oz cans a day. And sometime 8 oz of 7up Cherry with dinner. Do I REALLY need to give up all soda to kick start (or help with) weight loss, or is it still ok in moderation? I like the carbonation/taste/caffeine and I don't like water with my lunch/dinner.

Can anyone give me some good advice besides just give it up? Please?


  • Deadcherries
    Deadcherries Posts: 4 Member
    Are you at least drinking diet soda?
    I like this tool because I watch where calories are coming from. You take in at least 200 for one bottle of the regular stuff and I see now while I'm eating better that soda is very bloating.

    We try to limit to 1 a day. Always diet. Drinking flavored teas. When I drink water at home I tend to splash lemon into it.
    All the artificial sweeteners these days have different effects on people too as far as stomach aches, nausea and mood changes.
  • Heck yes, it's Diet Dr Pepper and it's always at lunch. Dinner time is the Diet Cherry 7UP with antioxidants and then I only drink 8oz. I also fill up my 32oz water bottle 2 to 3 times a day.
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    One a day isn't really moderation for something as bad for the body as soda (and it really, really doesn't matter if it's diet or regular), maybe try cutting it back slowly. If you wean yourself off of it, you likely won't miss it.

    You could drink less and less or replace it with carbonated water or juice to start with.
  • Soda is SO bad for you! Diet or regular :(

    I am a recovering Mountain Dew addict....I switched to Diet for a long time, but eventually knew I had to give it up! I just did it, and now it's been over 2 months since I've had even a sip of soda! But, I'm with you....water gets boring! I really love Powerade Zero and Sparkling Flavored water. I've even mixed the two! You can do it! You will feel great and be so much healthier without it!
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I know you don't want to give it up, but you'll be a lot better off if you do. It's horrible for you. Regular and diet soda alike. Do some research on it. You'll learn a lot. I just quit buying soda altogether. At first it sucked, but I didn't have any in the house so I couldn't drink it. When I'd go out to eat, I would just have water. It's free! lol Eventually, it's really easy. I haven't had soda in over two years now.
    Oh, and it also helps that I had a bet going with my now husband to see who could go the longest without drinking soda. I think the terms were if I lost I had to give him an hour long back rub... That definitely got me to stop drinking soda. lol
  • If you like the carbonation in your drink, try what I do. I have a 32 oz. Nalgene bottle that I always have with me. (It makes it easier to keep track of my water consumption.) I put some flavored Zero Calories, Zero Sodium, etc water from WalMart up to the 20 oz mark and then regular water for the rest. It makes it sweeter tasting, and I like the fizz of the carbonation.

    As a woman whose hubby works for Coca Cola, I would LOVE to tell you to keep on drinking the soda....BUT....we don't drink any soda in this house at all. In all honesty, tho, I think if you keep it to a minimum, you should be fine. It's like have made a lifestyle change. There's a reason why the word "DIE" is in the word "DIET".

    Good luck in your lifestyle change journey!!
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I weaned myself off sodas by getting a soda siphon (the gadget that carbonates water) and Torani syrups. I made my own sodas at home, at the regular strength to begin with, then gradually made them weaker and weaker. When I was at the point where I was 1/4 the recommended amount of syrup in a glass (which yields about the same level of flavor as the carbonated water with lemon or lime you can purchase at the grocery store), I decided I could keep going on with that level for a long time. The strange thing was that after a while, I decided that I didn't really need/want the sodas any more.

    I'm still a coffee fiend, but sodas don't pull me in the way they did. I drink only water all day, after my coffee in the morning.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I think you'll be okay as long as you can limit yourself to one soda every once in awhile. Just account for it in your daily calories and count it as a cheat meal. Honestly, regular soda is better for you than diet soda. Artificial sweeteners are worse for your metabolism than sugar is.
  • I say everything in moderation. You should be okay so long as you are not drinking like a 6 pack of soda a day. I usually drink 2 can of soda a day, sometimes more. I'm not morbidly obese. I always count the sodas I drink here on the site. Soda is only bad for you because all of the refined sugar (carbs) can make you really overweight and even lead to insulin-resistance and diabetes. Soda is also bad for your teeth obviously what with all of the sugar. But I think it's fine so long as you use it in moderation. I'm drinking a regular Dr. Pepper right now so I'd be a hypocrite if I told you to quite drinking it. ;)
  • I say everything in moderation. You should be okay so long as you are not drinking like a 6 pack of soda a day. I usually drink 2 can of soda a day, sometimes more. I'm not morbidly obese. I always count the sodas I drink here on the site. Soda is only bad for you because all of the refined sugar (carbs) can make you really overweight and even lead to insulin-resistance and diabetes. Soda is also bad for your teeth obviously what with all of the sugar. But I think it's fine so long as you use it in moderation. I'm drinking a regular Dr. Pepper right now so I'd be a hypocrite if I told you to quite drinking it. ;)

    Thanks! I feel the same way. Anything can be bad for you if you have too much of it. Moderation/cutting back and portion control is what's helping me lose weight.
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