Am I that out of shape?

butterflyx3 Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I only started working out yesterday. Today was my second day doing 25 minutes on the elliptical and Im SORE! Is this normal? Should I still work out tomorrow or give myself a break?


  • rsonthelake
    rsonthelake Posts: 113 Member
    Work out the soreness.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    rest day is important. You should take a day off for everything to re-situate itself and let the muscles heal.
  • herky
    herky Posts: 68 Member
    If it's only your second day working out, your body is not used to it. Soreness is good. Keep working out and the soreness will go away.
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    If you're new or out of the habit then it's totally normal and in fact a good sign. You're using your muscles in ways you haven't recently. Keep at it and they will feel better. I will say I like a little bit of sore on a daily basis because then I know I've been upping the intensity every week. Good Luck and Keep Moving! :)
  • Work out the soreness.

    Yep! Work it out! It's completely normal. :smile:
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Definately normal. I workout 6 days a week and when I take a week long break and come back... OUCH haha

    just keep working out, 4 days of cardio but maybe rest after tomorrow. You sore legs will go away soon :]
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Depends... if it really hurts, a day off might not be bad. If you are just sore A day off from the elliptical would be best.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water, and keep your muscles active by walking or stretching.
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    If you haven't worked out in a while, you're going to be sore. I started doing Zumba last week after not doing anything for a long time and everything on me aches. If you are super sore, I would take a day off or do a different type of exercise to work a different group of muscles. If you are just starting out again, you will probably find that you need to take a few days per week to rest. Eventually you can work your way up to something a little more hardcore.
  • Work through it I will, then! Thanks guys :D
  • Definitely keep working out, it will get better and the soreness will wear off!!
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I LOVE workout related soreness. Could mean you are out of shape (currently), could mean you pushed yourself really hard. Either way, keep going! soon enough, it will be a lot harder to get yourself sore from working out.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Yes, it's normal! Anytime you start something new or do more than usual, you'll probably be a bit sore, but the longer you do it, the more you'll be able to do and be less and less sore each time. That being said, you should also take a day or two off a week, or do different body parts. For example, I do cardio every other day, and strength (weights) every other day. I try to give my legs one day off a week, and do arms and abs that day. Good luck!
  • Its so much to coordinate.. Im horrible at it. Any suggestions on what I should do besides the elliptical? The gym in my development has a treadmill,elliptical,bike,and stair master and theres also a weight room..
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I cross train a lot (running, biking, cardio equipment in the gym, etc.) and I do some strength training. I took my very first yoga class last summer and YOWZA!! It's a lot harder than it looks and I had muscles aching that I didn't know I had.

    Bottom line, it really doesn't matter what kind of shape you are in. If you begin to use muscles differently or move in a different way, you are going to be sore.
  • I'd suggest switching up the exercise- don't train on the same piece of equipment day after day because then you are going to strengthen only a certain set of muscle groups; leading to an imbalance in your body. Long term imbalance in muscle groups leads to postural changes and pain/injury. You could try walking/jogging on the treadmill with the ramp inclined, biking, arc trainer, etc.

    Keep at it! Try icing the painful areas approx 20 min a day... it should help to ease some of your soreness.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'd recommend doing a workout, but do something different. Either the treadmill, bike, or weights, whichever hurts the least. Weights for upper body if the legs are so sore it is hard to walk. A combination of weights and a cardio machine would be good too so you aren't doing too much of one thing to get too sore.

    Remember soreness is actually from cellular damage to the muscles. The rest time is when those muscles are repairing and rebuilding stronger. So, if you are continually using them in the same way, day after day after day, you aren't giving those microscopic tears time to heal so you can't get the best gains in strength in those muscles. Thats why I say to alternate modalities or muscle groups so that you aren't working the same muscle fibers day after day after day but can still workout daily if you want.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    OMG totally whole lower body hurts today...I did sculpting and toning yesterday...squats are not my friend...everything from my butt cheeks to my ankles hurt...but you'll soon discover the difference between "good sore" and "pain"...good sore means you need a hot bath and a good work out the next day...try something else instead of the ellyptical and go back to it the next day. The soreness will fade until you up the intensity and then you'll be "good sore" again.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    yep! just keep trudging's going to be sore but that means you are working it :) the more you work it the easier it will get.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I would suggest taking a few days off from heavy resistance cardio. If it was normal resistance than take a break from cardio and focus more on your diet. If you aren't killing your metabolism with 1200 calories a day, you coils even lower your calories for a few days to compensate.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    when i'm really sore, i usually take a day off & start again the next day :o)
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