The 17 Day Diet: Day 11

Well folks, today is what we call EPIC FAIL! Well, the second half of the day anyway. No workout, went out to lunch with the girls, ended up finishing my childrens happy meal (what? he didn't want it! :cry: ). Let's just say tomorrow WILL be better! I feel guilty for not working out today, but will not beat myself up over it!

Time to go grocery shopping! I may have bombed today but over all I'm proud of the where this journey has taken me. I've lost 4.5 lbs since starting the 17 Day Diet. For those of you who tuned in yesterday, I had my first weigh in today for our Slimdown Challenge at work. I've lost 3 lbs since last Thursday (today was our first weigh-in after the initial one). 9 weeks to go and I'm determined to show what I can do.

Operation Hot Mama is in progress!!!



  • rsonthelake
    rsonthelake Posts: 113 Member
    Good for you, great attitude! Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off..........and tomorrow is another day.