how do you get comfortable sweating??

kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
I know this sounds pathetic, but it's really not. I love exercising, but I am starting to realize that unless I am sweating really sweating, I am not doing ENOUGH. And I have a hard time with this, I am by no means lazy, but you know how when you work outside and it's 90 degrees, and you're burning up, and you go in and sit in the air for 15 minutes to cool off, I dread the idea of needing to sweat like this every day for my exercise. I am a SAHM so I clean all day, and run errands, and we are a big outdoors family so I dont mind breaking that sweat outside 3 or 4 times a week depending on what we are doing, but I cant make myself get on the treadmill and sweat like that for an hour when I know I am not going outside that day. How do you guys get comfortable with the sweating? Do you drink cold water through your workouts? Exercise naked? Tips please, or is this just my problem?? :huh:


  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    I know this sounds pathetic, but it's really not. I love exercising, but I am starting to realize that unless I am sweating really sweating, I am not doing ENOUGH. And I have a hard time with this, I am by no means lazy, but you know how when you work outside and it's 90 degrees, and you're burning up, and you go in and sit in the air for 15 minutes to cool off, I dread the idea of needing to sweat like this every day for my exercise. I am a SAHM so I clean all day, and run errands, and we are a big outdoors family so I dont mind breaking that sweat outside 3 or 4 times a week depending on what we are doing, but I cant make myself get on the treadmill and sweat like that for an hour when I know I am not going outside that day. How do you guys get comfortable with the sweating? Do you drink cold water through your workouts? Exercise naked? Tips please, or is this just my problem?? :huh:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    Totally not just your problem. I HATE sweating during a workout. I started interval training today (you know, run some, walk some) and when I got home I was drenched. I just ran straight into the bathroom to take a shower. I have to admit that it did feel good to be a little sweaty, but...I feel ya. I don't have any tips, really. Just enjoy the feeling you get when you can wash the sweat off and have some really cold water.

    And it would be really nice to exercise naked, but...I don't want to scare the neighbors...Or give myself a black eye. :bigsmile:
  • oneinchatatime
    I don't think it would be possible for me to be comfortable when I'm sweating wheather I'm inside or outside. It's gross.:grumble: I do drink cold water while exercising, but it doesn't help the sweating. The only thing I know to do is take a shower when done.
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    maybe I'm wierd, I love sweating during a workout, I was at judo last night and I imagine i sweat off a pound or more during the 2 1/2 hour workout
  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    So basically I just need to bite the bullet. I think it is usually because when I exercise I am already dressed and ready for the day, and dont want to get all nasty, but I need to either do it first thing in the morn, or at night, I guess, would be best. I love knowing I sweated (is that a word???) After it's over because I know thats how that pound or pounds come off, but boy I hate the feeling when it comes, and it doesnt help I'm 4 eyed, so when I sweat my glasses go sliding down my nose ready to be crushed by my feet!
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    maybe I'm wierd, I love sweating during a workout, I was at judo last night and I imagine i sweat off a pound or more during the 2 1/2 hour workout

    I'm the same way, I love sweating... but maybe that's cause I don't sweat much at all. I can work out hard core on the elliptical for an hour and I barely "glisten". LOL. I can't ever remember a time when I was dripping with sweat and I was in the Army for 3 years!!! The down side to that is, I get over heated really easily. I just turn bright red. Like I'm super sun burnt.
  • kingon8
    kingon8 Posts: 200 Member
    maybe I'm wierd, I love sweating during a workout, I was at judo last night and I imagine i sweat off a pound or more during the 2 1/2 hour workout

    I'm the same way, I love sweating... but maybe that's cause I don't sweat much at all. I can work out hard core on the elliptical for an hour and I barely "glisten". LOL. I can't ever remember a time when I was dripping with sweat and I was in the Army for 3 years!!! The down side to that is, I get over heated really easily. I just turn bright red. Like I'm super sun burnt.

    maybe thats why you love it, because you were in the army! If I had to train like you did, I dont think I would mind sweating from a workout either:tongue:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Swim :) Great workout. "No" sweat!

    But if you dont have access to a pool... I think that it is just a mater of finding comfortable clothes that don't stick or chafe or make you uncomfortable as you sweat. If you work out at home set up a fan to blow on your treadmill. It will help dry the sweat and if you can work out in pants and a sportsbra with the fan I imagine it would help remove that sticky drenched feeling. You can also keep a damp cloth on the handle and wipe down your arms and midsection for a quick cool / clean 1/2 way through (works best with the sports bra.) Keep your hair up so that it keeps that yicky sweaty back of the neck feeling away ... etc.

    Other than that, I think it is just biting the bullet...
  • pavang82
    pavang82 Posts: 454 Member
    For me personally, sweating when working out makes me feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good. After my workout is done, I take a nice lllllllooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggg shower. It feels so good! Further, I actually noticed that when I sweat, my skin gets better every day! Odd, I know, but true for me though! :happy:
  • ladywalkalot
    ladywalkalot Posts: 230 Member
    I love to sweat.......the georgia heat and is an immediate return for hard work.....that water weight women are so blessed to carry around.....
    I am a sahm also and just throw my hair up in a cute hat and earrings if I can't immediately shower don't mind---just keep playing and burning calories!
  • Doozie
    Doozie Posts: 53
    I have to say I do not like to sweat if I am just sitting around. I do love to sweat when I am working out though.
    Sweating is very good for your skin!
  • Sherona
    Sherona Posts: 55 Member
    Me too. I really LOVE working up a sweat. I feel sexy and STRONG when i sweat when i work out. Oh well!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I love sweating. My body is just saying, "I'm shrinking, I'M SHRINKIIIIING!"

    Get your sweat on!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I walk during my lunch but when it is really hot out I wait and do it after work so I dont look horrid at work. On the week ends I do my work out before I shower. :wink:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well, sweating isn't necessary for fat oxidation, so you can feel free to put a fan on high and keep cool while you're running. Or have a towel on hand to wipe yourself off. Baby wipes are always refreshing right after a workout if you can't hop into the shower right away. I love to sweat while I'm working out, but if I'm in normal clothes and just sweating because it's hot....bleh. :tongue:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Well, sweating isn't necessary for fat oxidation, so you can feel free to put a fan on high and keep cool while you're running.
    :grumble: :ohwell:
    I'm wrong again (what a surprise!)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well, sweating isn't necessary for fat oxidation, so you can feel free to put a fan on high and keep cool while you're running.
    :grumble: :ohwell:
    I'm wrong again (what a surprise!)

    Oh gosh, I feel bad now lol! I didn't mean to steal your thunder! I should clarify: Sweating CAN BE a side effect of fat oxidation...H2O is a waste product of our energy systems. However, working out in a cool environment with the absence of sweating doesn't mean you're burning fewer calories, just like sweating because it's hot doesn't mean you're burning more calories. :smile: Its main function is just to evaporate to keep us cool.
  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I am kind of a mix of both extremes. During the first 5 or 10 minutes of my work out, when I first start to sweat...I hate it, my skin starts to tingle, and it is that icky-sticky sweat...but once I really start working out and the sweat starts dripping, then i like it. So maybe I'm the weird one! lol But for a solution, I like to wear loose fitting clothes and I have a towel handy! I know you can still lose weight without becoming drenched in sweat, but still it's psychological, if I'm not drenched, I haven't done anything! :bigsmile:
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Girl running on treadmill & dripping with sweat = ubersexy! HTH
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Grab a towel and SWEAT baby! feel all those nasty toxins bleeding out your pores - it is a super high! Then go and grab a shower! :laugh: :laugh: