Any guys on here?

paulstat Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I started using the iPhone app about 6 months ago now, but I still haven't lost any weight, my own fault I must admit! So I've decided to climb back on the wagon and thought I'd stroll in here to have a look around. I seem to be in the minority :p

I'm currently 218lb my goal is probably around about the 190lb mark.

Feel free to add me as a friend I probably need the odd kick every now and then. :o)



  • nope, no guys here...**whistles innocently.**
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    Yep I'm here also. Your story is about the same as mine. Had the app on my phone. Got off it then came back on. This time I'm getting my butt going. So far I've been on here for 20 days and lost about 10 pounds. The thing is to make sure you stay on here and put down everything you eat. It can be a pain but you have to be honest with yourself if you want to loose the weight.
  • Hitsujikai
    Hitsujikai Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome to the boards, there are quite a few guys dotted around here so you definately are not alone.

    You have a similar goal that I had, I started at 243lbs and lost 61lbs in the space of 4 months to get to my current weight of 182lbs. I'm starting the new challenge of maintaining my weight. Good luck and remember through the good times and the difficult that it is possible to reach your goal.
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    Good advice!
  • Thanks all :o)

    If I actually make sure I keep track everyday then it shouldn't be too difficult, especially with exercise as well.
  • Welcome. Yes there are plently of guys on the site. Best of Luck.
  • nathangwynmorris
    nathangwynmorris Posts: 1 Member
    I started using the site about 17 days ago! I think the app is great, before I was forgetting what I was eating but this is now a quick and easy way of keeping track. When I started I was 165lbs - I want to be around 140lbs.... currently I am 155lbs, so I am doing well. I do feel however that my calorie intake is shocking. I only have around 600-800 a day. Feel free to add me as a friend :)

    Nathan :D x
  • Welcome to the boards, there are quite a few guys dotted around here so you definately are not alone.

    You have a similar goal that I had, I started at 243lbs and lost 61lbs in the space of 4 months to get to my current weight of 182lbs. I'm starting the new challenge of maintaining my weight. Good luck and remember through the good times and the difficult that it is possible to reach your goal.

    I've just started tracking again after an unsuccessful attempt last year and this is an inspirational post! I started tracking 2 weeks ago at 244lbs and going to weigh in today so hopefully the scale counter will be going in the right direction!.

    Sorry to hi jack the post, back on topic- just wanted to say that a lot more men are probably like me and prefer to read rather than post (hence this is my first post)!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I started January 3rd at 220lbs. Aiming for about 175 to start. Then I'll see where I need to go from there.
  • melsdadian
    melsdadian Posts: 9 Member
    Here's one ....
  • Here's one ....

    ...and an Evertonian too, perfect :D
  • No worries, you are not alone. Albeit we are definately in the minority.

    Then again, since when is surrounded by women a bad thing? So long as they are not mad at you of course!

    Welcome an stick with it!
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    I'm a guy. At least after the surgery. :)

    Seriously, there are several of us on here! Welcome to the man cave!
  • And in Dallas too!
  • If you ask my wife...I am not a man
  • I started using the site about 17 days ago! I think the app is great, before I was forgetting what I was eating but this is now a quick and easy way of keeping track. When I started I was 165lbs - I want to be around 140lbs.... currently I am 155lbs, so I am doing well. I do feel however that my calorie intake is shocking. I only have around 600-800 a day. Feel free to add me as a friend :)

    Nathan :D x

    hows your training going nathan? Im similar size to you finding it really tricky to shift weight at my current weight of 155lbs, i wouldnt say im over weight but ideally id like to be around 138lb as an ideal goal, ive been running 10Km 4 times a week and not seen any weight shift yet, think i need to start measuring my waist. what training are you doing? your calorie intake seems really low how you getting on with this?
  • Baroque_Ja
    Baroque_Ja Posts: 23 Member
    Hey, so is there an official "Man Cave Thread" on here. Could I have a link?
  • same story here...started at 232 about a month and a half ago, now at 200 or so... changed the way i eat and make it a point to do exercise regularly...add me as a friend and check out my food diary and all that stuff. maybe it will help you out. i'm looking for people to keep me accountable as i shed the last 15 lbs before vaca in april. good luck!
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    There are a few guys around, we just happened to be very outnumbered lol
  • Dave59
    Dave59 Posts: 28
    Looks like lots of us. I'm new and I'm afraid to lose the momentum because I know it would be hard to restart. Congratulations on doing that.
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