
Woozie80 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I just turned 30 in Dec and decided it was past time of emotional and comfort eating. My name is Doreen, I live in Indiana. I love sports playing some and watching most. I work in the medical field and have a side home business, I'm an armybrat and lived overseas for 10 years. I am thrilled to have been told about this site as it is so user friendly and a great tool to help me reach my goals


  • Welcome to the club - and yes, this is a fabulous site! You will get a lot out of it!
  • Hi Sis, thanks for inviting me to join this site :) WE can do this!
  • Hi and welcome! Happy belated birrthday! This is a great community.
  • Welcome girly! :)
  • My name is Shirley and I am a post gastric bypass patient. Most of my weight has stayed off for the last four years but I'm trying to get back on the healthy eating and fitness track. I want to thank my friend and co-work Dawn for hooking me up with this site.:smokin:
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