In need of support and tips...friend me

sommer454 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, everyone! My name is Nikki and I am in need of support. I have always been overweight and can't remember a time when I was not overweight or trying to lose weight. I have spent sooo much money on any miracle pill or weight machine and I'll admit I do not stick to programs well but I do like to exercise. Anyway...I am in need of your help, good people. I am calling anyone that wants a friend to friend me :happy: I promise that "if you help me I will help you...I won't let you give up so don't let me give up!!!"


  • welcome to MFP! We are all here to help and support each other!
  • sommer454
    sommer454 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! I need it. :wink:
  • you're at the right place honey! This journey is gonna be a roller coaster but we will get through it and succeed!
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Just friend requested you! We live very close and are the same age! WE GOT THIS :)
  • Hello and welcome!!

    Friend request CAN do this!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Well done on deciding to do something about it! That is the hardest part, it's easy to get complacent and not notice when it is time to do something about it. It kinda creeps up on you! lol I will add you, my diary is set to public so feel free to have a nosey for ideas :)
  • Coramae09
    Coramae09 Posts: 60 Member
    welcome! you can do this!!
  • cericksen
    cericksen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Nikki

    I just joined this week. My cholesterol was off the charts. Keep exercising and making good choices. Life is all about our choices. My goal is to lose 13 lbs. I feel so much better when my clothes fit better and I am healthy but I love to eat Sweets, so that is my struggle.

  • khelwig
    khelwig Posts: 15
    Hi, Nikki-

    I have struggled all my life with weight. Every day I wake up and say I am going to start today, only to fail. I am hoping by finding friends who are in the same boat, we can support one another and work together through the frustrations and the successes. Send me a message sometime - I would love to hear from you!

  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    That's why we are here. To help each other out. If it was easy to loose weight no one would be over weight in the first place. If you like to work out then that's a great begaining.
    Everyone here is on some kind of different diet plan. I just count caliories and work out. If I want to eat something I do. I just make sure I have enough caloiries to cover it. If I don't then I work out, or leave it for another day.
    You can add me to your friends list. I will be there to help you out.
  • Erius
    Erius Posts: 23
    I felt the same way! But after losing 51 lbs, I know I can keep going! Everyone needs to start somewhere, and you've already made the first move! You will have EVERYTHING you need here, and more support than you know what to do with!!!! You will drop those pounds in no time! Good luck. Friend request on the way!
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