portion control tips

Found this portion control chart on fitnessandfreebies.com and it was very helpful to me. Hope it helps some other people out.

1 teaspoon salad
dressing = the size of a half-dollar
1 ounce chunk of cheese
= your thumb or two dominoes
1-1/2 ounce hard roll
= a bar of soap
3 ounces of meat = package
of tissues, deck of cards
3 ounces fish = eyeglass
1/2 cup rice = custard
1 ounce nuts = two shot
glasses full
1 ounce of chocolate
= One package of dental floss
1-1/2 ounce raisins
= One soup ladle full

 1 cup dry cereal =
One wine glass or two soup ladles full
1 teaspoon peanut butter
or cream cheese = a lipstick cap
1 cup pasta = 1 baseball
3/4 cup frozen yogurt
= 1 tennis ball
1/4 cup sour cream
= 1 golf ball
1/2 teaspoon oil = one thimble
