The first goal I've set :)

IndyRick Posts: 172
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
OK. Some of you are getting to know me. I used to be a VERY avid cyclist. Long story short, a few years ago I was hit by a drunk driver (can you say irony, anyone??) and ended up with a crushed pelvis, shattered ankle, and some other injuries. I did pretty well during a long rehab, but addtoo that retiring and my sedentary lifestyle caught up with me.

When I said avid, I really mean avid. My last big ride was from St. Louis to Kansas City in 4 days. ;)

Anyway, I've set my first goal. A 25 mile ride, the first week of March. I've been keeping track of my stationary bike miles and will work up to it. I may need some of y'all to remind me from time to time between now and then...but I hope not :)


  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Ack! That sounds horrible...the accident part. I'm so glad to see you bouncing back.

    That is a FANTASTIC goal. My husband is really into cycling too. When it's nice out we do bike rides through his work's cycling program. I'll nag you until you get to your goal :)
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Thanks, Struggle! If I ride from my house to downtown and back, it's 24.6 miles. That'll be my route, and I'll go around the block or two to get to my 25. :)
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Using the Monon? That's my favorite place! In the summer I ride my bike through Carmel on the trail. It's so a park in the middle of the city
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    then you ride withing a few blocks of my house. I live right by Central Park near Carmel! :) If I was on the other side of the street, I'd be IN Carmel...but taxes are cheaper here :)
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Haha I don't blame you! Carmel taxes are scary, that's why I commute to Carmel from Brownsburg. I LOVE riding from 91st street to the end of the trail. Best part, it's downhill most of the way back!
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Brownsburg? I've done several shows at The Cabana Room over there!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I'm not familiar with where that is. We just moved there about a year ago, and if it's not Walmart, The Dollar Tree, or the post office I'm kind of clueless. Where is that at?
  • Good luck on meeting your goal!
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Thanks everyone, for your support!

    The Cabana Room is on Main Street, just a block off of 267/. :)
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I drive past there EVERY DAY after work and I've never seen it. Definitely looking for it tonight :)
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    My mom was hit by a drunk driver and it took two years for her to get better! I am glad that you are bouncing back and hope you get to your goal.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    My grandpa was a avid rider and a old lady fell asleep and hit him just outside our town , and after that he went on to ride all over sooo it can be done :) Im sorry about your accident but im glad your not letting it stop you
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Thanks, everyone. Oh, and struggle, it's right next to a pizza shop...I THINK it's Domino's.
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