10 yr old little sister

I'm so excited! My little sister is coming to stay with me (in Ohio) for a month! I'm flying to florida tomorrow to fly back with her (she's never flown before). She'll be turning 11 while she's here too!

I have a few things planned but I didn't really grow up with her (due to the age difference) and was an only child for a long long time before her... so I have no idea what 10 yr olds like. Are there any moms or dads out there that can suggest some fun things to do with a 10 yr old?


  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    I'm so excited! My little sister is coming to stay with me (in Ohio) for a month! I'm flying to florida tomorrow to fly back with her (she's never flown before). She'll be turning 11 while she's here too!

    I have a few things planned but I didn't really grow up with her (due to the age difference) and was an only child for a long long time before her... so I have no idea what 10 yr olds like. Are there any moms or dads out there that can suggest some fun things to do with a 10 yr old?
  • georgiaj
    georgiaj Posts: 59
    I've started playing DDR (dance dance revolution) with my ten year old. it's fun for her and a great work out for me.
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    Oh good idea! I have DDR!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    No suggestions because my "baby" is 21 but I hope you two have lots of fun together. :flowerforyou:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    hmmm movies, roller skating, board games, baking, mall maybe?, bicycling, canoe trips, beading like making bracelets etc...crafts...those are just some I can think of.....when my step kids were little we'd have baking parties...like make creature cupcakes (I'd get tons of penny candy and we'd decorate them like animals etc...and food dye different color frosting's) we'd have drawing sessions too...like we'd pick a theme....and then draw a pic of what we'd think it was...like say Santa's Workshop, and while they didn't really believe at that age sadly they still liked to draw and would get really creative and we all had a blast lol....whatever you all do as long as you are doing it together she'll love it!

    AND as one big sister of 4 w/ age differences of 2.5 yrs, 8 yrs and 11 yrs between us, I'm closest to the two younger ones...you seem to catch up lol so making bonds now is soooo important!

    you go GIRLS!! sister power!!!
    hugs and :heart:
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    Thanks! I have seen her only a hand full of times in the last 5 years. I left florida when I was 20 (25 now) and I can't wait to spend some quality time with her! She's never been outside of Florida, so this oughta be a fun adventure for her! I know she's gonna drive me crazy LOL, but she's a cool kid, so I can't wait!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    doesn't Columbus have a great zoo? Take her there for the day.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey I have the same age difference with my sister! I feel just as clueless as you...my little sis is also 10, and she loves Hannah Montana and the something brothers (can't remember the name LOL). She also loves High School Musical and Limited Too. I also live far away from mine (she's in OH and I'm in VA) so I don't get to see her but once a year, it's a bummer :ohwell: When we hang out we usually go to the mall, movies, out to dinner, and she loves to show me all of her teen magazines and clothes hehe :smile:
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    My Boyfriend's daughter is the same age as well...turns 11 on Aug 5...she likes all the things Songbyrd's sister likes...I can't remember the name of that boy band either...she also likes to go to the batting cages and we play beauty shop...she likes to charge me for doing my hair and makeup...also, she loves the following computer sites:

  • 2Shoes
    2Shoes Posts: 396
    Jonas Brothers
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    can't help with what to do to entertain a 10 yr old BUT I do commend you for having her come stay with you. My oldest sister is 15 years older than me, and when i was little (many moons ago!), she would always take me places or have me come stay with her and her hubby during the summer for a bit. It was the only time I really got out to see things and places. My mom worked all the time and had no time/money to take us places. So my sister really filled that void in my life. It made us close despite our age differences, and (35 years past being a 10 yr old :sick: ) we're still tighter with each other than I am with any of my other 3 brothers or my other sister.

    So--here's to you! Older sisters who take time to spend with their younger sisters rock!!

  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    can't help with what to do to entertain a 10 yr old BUT I do commend you for having her come stay with you. My oldest sister is 15 years older than me, and when i was little (many moons ago!), she would always take me places or have me come stay with her and her hubby during the summer for a bit. It was the only time I really got out to see things and places. My mom worked all the time and had no time/money to take us places. So my sister really filled that void in my life. It made us close despite our age differences, and (35 years past being a 10 yr old :sick: ) we're still tighter with each other than I am with any of my other 3 brothers or my other sister.

    So--here's to you! Older sisters who take time to spend with their younger sisters rock!!


    Thanks shorerider! That's exactly the case with my little sister. My mom is a single parent that works non stop. She doesn't make a lot of money, but the money she does make she spends on cigerettes, mountain dew, and random fix up the house projects that she never finishes. Don't get me wrong, she's a great mom with a heart of gold, she just doesn't know how to manage money very well and doesn't seem to realize that are 1000 things she could do with my little sister that are virtually free and that they would both love. So they never do anything. She was the same way with me growing up... so I feel my little sisters pain! I hope her experience here with me will be exactly what you said yours were with your big sister. Thanks for the encouragement that it will be!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Just remember that it's not even where you take her but just the time with you that she'll probably remember most. My most vivid memory of time with my sister was when she made me French Toast for breakfast!

    My mom very seldom had time to cook breakfast for us (when she did it was standard sausage or bacon stuff); we had to make our own and that meant Pop Tarts or cereal. Well, one time when I was 8, I went to stay with my sis at Christmas time, and she got up and made French Toast. I was astounded! It tasted sooooooo good. :love:

    I can't eat French Toast now without thinking of that morning!

    So keep in mind-it's the little things that get remembered too!
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    Every kid is different, but my daughter turns 10 this summer and she's wanting to do more "grown up" things, as well as kid things. Definitely spend time in the kitchen with her. Teach her to cook some simple things as well as bake a few things. Take lots of pictures and help her make a scrapbook of your time together. Ride bikes, go to the mall, go to the Zoo (Columbus Zoo is fabulous! We loved it there!), go to the park, go to the pool. Do each other's hair and make up, especially fingernails and toenails. Get some beads to make each other some friendship bracelets (physical link between you two). Pick out some movies and cuddle on the couch with popcorn and such. You will have so much fun with her! Enjoy this time with your little sister!
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    thanks for all the suggestions everyone!!! I'm leaving tonight to go get her!!! I'm so excited. I wanna be the coolest big sister around!!! :)