menopause !!

Hi, this is my second day with myfitnesspal .
I am in the middle of the menopause and am expanding rapidly around the middle! It wasnt that
long ago , so it seems, that i was a size 8. I am now nearer a 12 and nothing i wear seems to look good anymore.
I need to get motivated to lose weight for a summer wedding. Is there anybody out there who can give me advice
on anything i can do /take to lose at least half a stone, preferably a stone in 6 mths? I have started exercising
2/3 times a week as well, mainly treadmill with a bit of cross training as well.


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I would say find a provider that does salvia hormone testing. This was one of my keys to successful weight loss. I followed the Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman, she has also written books such as "the change" and other hormone related matters. has a test you can purchase then they consult with you on the results. It was amazing to me how my hormones in balance made a world of difference in how I felt and that weight loss around the middle. Sometimes it's thinking outside of the box.

    Best of Luck.
  • annshaw333
    I understand! In the past 2-3 years I've gained 20 pounds. I'm going to be 53 this summer. It is very annoying, because I was an 8 and now wear 10s & 12s. I started using myfitnesspal 5 days ago. I LOVE IT! I am very diligent about entering my exercise and counting calories. My experience is once I get motivated and start counting calories and increase exercise, I can lose weight. It's mainly the motivation component. I also wear a pedometer and make sure I have no less than 8000+ steps a day ( in addition to exercise). Maybe you could try that?
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Hormonal imbalances that come along with perimenopause and menopause can raise hell with your weight and fat distribution. Usually it's lack of progesterone being produced resulting in "estrogen dominance" and you pack on the pounds around the middle like crazy. Try googling estrogen dominance and you should get some good studies to read.

    I'm just pulling out of a bout of it myself - had never put on fat around my middle so fast as I did for a few months last year. Very frustrating when you're exercising and watching what you eat and STILL puffing up like a balloon! I was on progesterone for about a month to break the cycle, and everything has calmed down since. I'm finally able to lose weight, and my waist is shrinking back down. Whew.
  • cedrichorace
    thanks for your advice, will look into it and put it to the test! !
  • cedrichorace
    thanks for your reply. Its nice to hear from somebody who knows what i am going through! I will get myself a pedometer and try
    and keep up with the exercise as well.
    Thanks again.
  • cedrichorace
    thanks for your advice. Will google estrogen dominance right away and maybe give the doctor a call as well re: my progesterone levels.
    congrats on your weight loss as well, hopefully that will be me in 6 mths time! !