Soul Destroying moments

Hi folks,

I've hit a few soul destroying moments over the last two weeks. I've been spot on almost everyday with my targets, with only a couple of days being slightly over (50-100kcals) but seen no loss after the initial fall. It's usually at this point in the past I have gave up and returned to the takeaway food and coronas, but know that this is BAD.

Hopefully it is all down to not being able to do any aerobic exercise due to a bust achilles and once I get the ok from the docs I can start getting active, even to the point of walking a distance would be good.

i did have my profile settings at lightly active but dropped that down to sedentary two weeks ago to truly reflect the fact that I'm currently not very active.

So what now? Any help, guidance or support would be greatly appreciated as I'm getting to the give up stage and don't wan't to.


  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 10-20 % exercices. So the fact that you are not losing is not due to lack of exercices. Time to look at what you are doing in your diary. Do you weight your food? Do you eat enought good fats? Do you eat enought!!!! Keep at it. Sometime it takes time to see results.
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    AWWWWW... That really touched me. Don't give up!!

    There are plenty of other exercises you can do without your legs. Have you thought of weights or something like that? I hope you stick to it!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Don't analize anything but today. Every morning when you get up promise yourself that you will do everything in your power to stick to your dedication today only. When I get discouraged i don't look back or forward, just at the present and this helps me refocus and stay motivated . . . because anyone can make it through one day and stick to their convictions.

    Good luck.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If you want to do exercises but you can't because of your injury, why not Google "chair bound exercises" and try some upper-body aerobic workouts? I saw it suggested to someone in another post and it sounds like it would apply to you as well. Then at least you'd be getting some movement.

    Hang in there! You can do this!
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I don't know about you, but my calorie goal for the day is a good 500 calories under what I need to maintain.

    So, even if I go over a little ( or even the full 500)....I'm still losing slowly, or maintaining.

    Both of those are still acceptable occasionally.

    So......don't beat yourself up over it.....

    Also, Spring is just around the corner, it will be easier to be more active then!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    How quick was the "initial drop off"? If you lost those 5kg quickly, your body may simply be recovering (your skin and other organs need time to resize and adjust when you lose) so you may occasionally see 1-2 weeks of no scale moving but inches coming off.

    Also as another poster said, it really is 80% diet- weighing your food is important (at least at first so you can get portion sizes down- a 1tbsp of peanut butter is NOT as much as you think it is!:wink:) . It would help us make recommendations/suggestions if your diary was public- we could see if you had any common sodium offenders or if you are eating too much junk (even if you are in your cals, junky food sometimes takes longer for your body to process and so can be responsible for 1-2 weeks of no scale losses)
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Whatever you do, don't give in to that monster! It will never let you feel as good as you can when you are trying to do better. Even a small victory is a victory. Even no weight loss, is a victory over Weight Gain! Keep at it and you will see the benefits eventually. But make sure are being real honest with your food and that you are reaching the food goals and not shortchanging yourself or skimping on calories etc...make sure your moving something. Someone on here did powere hula hooping yesterday and it was a great stationary exercise. You'll find something that works if you keep at it. Just look for something you can accomplish today and then tomorrow is a new start!
  • ukjohn
    ukjohn Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the replies, this is a fantastic place.

    Initial drop off was over 4 weeks. My big issue I know was portion control and probably still is. I bought a set of those plates for showing you how much you should be eating and I was easily x3 of that amount. I have really cut back on this and I did think that it may have been my body getting used to it as normal functions are not really normal at the moment :embarassed:

    I'm now obsessed with the kcal value on everything and maybe should be paying more attention to the actual make up of the food and not just the one value, but really need to educate myself on that more.

    Funny it should be mentioned that no scale movement but inches coming off as my waist size has dropped in that time. I never really put two and two together as I'm fixed on those dam scales :frown:
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Funny it should be mentioned that no scale movement but inches coming off as my waist size has dropped in that time. I never really put two and two together as I'm fixed on those dam scales :frown:

    THAT is way better than a number on a scale!

    I say try some yoga (easy to modify for injuries!), do some upper body lifting, do crunches, as someone else suggested, google "chair-bound cardio".

    Even without a food scale, your best friend is a good set of measuring cups & spoons to make sure you are eating what you think you are.

    GL on your weight loss journey!