Ab exercises

I have found that no matter how much I weighed in my 20's I always had a flat stomach. Not so much in my 30's. I seem to carry a lot of my weight around the middle. Does anyone have any good ab exercises that they can share?


  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    That's where my body wants to store everything too when I put on extra weight. I LOVE Tamilee Webb's stuff especially her DVD "I want THAT Body". It has two great ab workouts. You'll have to do a lot of ab workouts and cardio to get rid of that extra weight around the middle and of course a clean diet. Diet plays a HUGE part in it.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Well we can't spot reduce the fat on our body. It takes cardio to burn fat. You can do all the crunches or ab exercises you want, but if you aren't doing cardio then the fat isn't going to go anyway. I too carry a lot in my mid section. It has started to improve with the heavy cardio I do.
  • misshenn78
    This maybe outdated...but, it worked when I was 18!! My back is very bad now, so I use an ab roller, and increase the amounts every week. I start with a typical sit up, and then rotate my legs to shift side to side. I know everyone has their own new ways of doing crunches, and ab workouts - but...in 2 weeks I've shed 2 inches already! The ab roller makes you do the right crunches. Nothing exciting - but results are being shown! :) Good Luck! (I work on my abs at least 5-6 times a week.)
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    As a big belly guy I dont think I can offer much. But what I have been doing lately is laying on a bench and hooking my feet under the bottom to help in case I cant finish any of my situps. Then I do a sit up to about 45 degree angle and then turn to my right and left to get the obliques. I do about 10 reps then do another lift and then come back for more abs. I do about 3 sets. I havent gotten super results yet but I can sure feel it through out the day!
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Reverse crunches- lay on your back with your hands flat on the floor and your legs bent at a 90 degree angle and give your tush a roll of the ground.

    Scissors- lay flat on your back, legs straight at a 45 degree angle, lift your shoulders off the ground with your arms extended palms up and scissor your legs

    Standing crunches- stand hip width apart with your arms above your head and hands together and then bend at the stomach while kicking your leg up reach your arms to your feet keep abs in tight.

    Regular Crunches

    Easier situps- legs flat, laying on back, arms straight up in the air and use all abdominals to pull yourself all the way up

    These are just a few. Push up work abs if you keep your abs in TIGHT. Look up Jillian Michaels, her abs are killer! Hope this helps ya!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    You definitely need cardio because the people above me are right...you can't spot reduce unfortunately, so it takes cardio to blast fat. Doing ab workouts will help tone your abs once you have done enough cardio and eating right to get rid of some of the fat. P90X's Ab workout is the most intense 17 minutes you will ever experience!
  • KDonnelly1976