soft drinks

I seem to be having a bit of trouble, my favorite soft drink has always been Mtn Dew. It is a weakness of mine. I weighted Tuesday and had lost 3 lbs since Sunday, but I weighed today and had gained 2 pounds after drinking a Mtn Dew Wed. night. Does soft drink do this to anybody else? My mother told me to only weigh once a week or other wise I would get discouraged. I think she may be right, I have got to find away to cut these soft drinks off altogther, but they are so dang addictive. Help!!!!


  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    I seem to be having a bit of trouble, my favorite soft drink has always been Mtn Dew. It is a weakness of mine. I weighted Tuesday and had lost 3 lbs since Sunday, but I weighed today and had gained 2 pounds after drinking a Mtn Dew Wed. night. Does soft drink do this to anybody else? My mother told me to only weigh once a week or other wise I would get discouraged. I think she may be right, I have got to find away to cut these soft drinks off altogther, but they are so dang addictive. Help!!!!

    2 lbs could be water retention, bloat, meals recently consumed, salt.....although soda is a diet killer, there's a lot that contributes to the number on the scale. If you can wean off of them you'll be glad. I did it a few years ago and it was the best decision I've ever made. Try sparkling water with fruit juice to start-
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    It's the sodium. Try to limit yourself and really chug the water afterwards!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Definitely only weigh once a week. Weighing more often picks up the daily fluctuations in weight which are completely normal. But, they can be discouraging and frustrating for some.

    When I gave up soda I would drink a sparkling juice, like Izze, instead. They are made with only juice and sparkling water, no added sugar. They're much better for you.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You'd be amazed what the sodium in soda can do to you. Give up your soda habits. Spring for a flavored, sparkling water instead.
  • dbutcher
    dbutcher Posts: 7 Member
    I think as long as you stay inside your calorie goal you'll be fine. My weight fluctuates so I only record when my weight has gone down, or at least once a week. I have diet soda all the time, and I'm still hitting my weekly weight loss goals.

    I've read that weighing daily helps keep your mind focused on your wight loss goals.
  • misshenn78
    DIET MT DEW - is my FAVE!!!! 0 calories, 0 everything! :) Check it out!!! And yes, only make it count once a week when you weigh in.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Agree with above - definately best to weigh just once a week - but I also understand how tempting it is to do it more often.

    Keep going though - we'll all get there eventually!!

  • Jen5588
    Jen5588 Posts: 9 Member
    Weight fluctuates so often that despite the fact that I weigh myself daily by habit you should only record once or twice a week and make sure to weigh yourself right after you wake up&pee, before you drink any water, coffee, or breakfast because that is your actual weight. As far as the Mountain Dew goes you should be looking for a lifestyle change which means to just cut back on vices you should allow yourself one a week or some reasonable amount and just fluctuate your carb/sugar intake for that day. If you cut yourself off completely from the things you love and crave you will find yourself either binging or feeling discouraged/starved because food can be enjoyable and you should be able to allow yourself treats. My vice is wine/champagne and I allow myself to have a night a week where I dont feel guilty about having a few glasses of wine. We all need to have enjoying moments especially when our overall decisions are so health conscious we deserve it!
  • fancyladymeek
    I still drink diet coke. Eventually I'll cut it out....but I'm trying to be pretty reasonable with everything.

    I've reduced my caloric intake to 1200 cal (I do eat my exercise cals). I work out every day. I have cut out all of my favorite horrible foods (fried mozz cheese sticks, crab rangoons, mmmmmm!).

    So overall I'm doing well. I'm not going to cut out one of my other fav things (pop) when its 0 calories and 0 fat. Yes, sodium is a concern and I may end up cutting pop eventually.

    But for now...for the sake of my diet...I'm not going to worry about something that is fairly harmless until I have a long period of time of consistent healthy diet and living.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I was an Diet Dr. Pepper addict until I started drinking more water. Quit cold turkey. I don't even know myself anymore with all the changes I have surprised myself with.
    I still have a "diet soda" every now and then, but I can't even finish a 12oz can. My hubs ordered me one with my salad last night out of habit, but I only drank a few sips of it. I didn't even WANT it. GASP!
    Start of slowly and try to limit yourself to one a day at most. Then maybe one every other day and try to replace it with a different beverge you might enjoy. I do crystal light, I would drink it it all the time, and then I started to drop that for one 20oz bottle of cold water. Now, I drink 40oz or more of "plain" (for lack of a better term) water and I prefer it more than the crystal light. The rest I drink in small 8oz bottles with each of my meals. It's hard to make the switch, and I never thought I would give up my precious Diet Dr. Pepper (or even better Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper!) But, it CAN be done. And you will feel much better!! Good luck.
  • benben13
    If you cut out soft drinks, especially Mt Dews, you'll really start to lose weight. I cut them out when trying Atkins years ago and continue to stay away from them to this day. Try drinking water but if you must have one, drink diet Dews (although these can be addicting)...don't worry about how it tastes; you'll get used to it in no time.

    As far as weighing yourself goes, I've heard everything from doing it everyday to once a week to once a month. When I was younger and could lose weight quicker, I would weigh every day. That way I got immediate feedback on my eating/exercising habits. But now that I'm older and the pounds don't shed as quickly, I weigh once a week. That way I don't get disappointed if after 2 days I haven't lost any weight.

    Hope this helps
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Used to love soda. Gave it up for water. I've tried a glass on occasion and don't even like it anymore. Makes me feel bloated.

    I prefer to eat my calories. Much more enjoyable! I don't mind diet but have no interest in artificial sweeteners. Had a co-worker stop drinking her daily diet soda and her migraines disappeared. She had a headache almost daily.
  • barberella
    I have to agree with you. I only drink diet soda with my Canadian Club. I don't miss my diet coke whatsoever. I don't miss the money I spent on it, and I certainly don't miss the bloated feeling I would get from it. I used to crave diet coke. I still drink a little coffee, but mostly, I have opted for diet snapples. I usually have one of those for lunch, or something of the diet tea variety with a limited amount of fake sugar in it. I still drink water too. But breaking that soda habit will give you much more energy in the end!
  • rlelliott08
    rlelliott08 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone, Today I made myself drink water instead of that soda, actually a lot easier than I thought. I am just gonna have to wein myself off of them. Thanks for the motivation and the support.
  • harris0324
    Weight fluctuates so often that despite the fact that I weigh myself daily by habit you should only record once or twice a week and make sure to weigh yourself right after you wake up&pee, before you drink any water, coffee, or breakfast because that is your actual weight. As far as the Mountain Dew goes you should be looking for a lifestyle change which means to just cut back on vices you should allow yourself one a week or some reasonable amount and just fluctuate your carb/sugar intake for that day. If you cut yourself off completely from the things you love and crave you will find yourself either binging or feeling discouraged/starved because food can be enjoyable and you should be able to allow yourself treats. My vice is wine/champagne and I allow myself to have a night a week where I dont feel guilty about having a few glasses of wine. We all need to have enjoying moments especially when our overall decisions are so health conscious we deserve it!
    Well said my friend :) I to allow myself to enjoy a "store bought " coffee. I brew my coffee at home everyday. It is better in two ways. I save $ and Cal/carb/fat.. But like MOST I love to go out with a friend and enjoy a cup of coffee. I just know that I'll have a nice salad and water with Lemon for lunch. I am ok with that. I am a mom and don't have time to add in an extra workout to burn the cal for my extra coffee. So I fit it in to my new Healthy Life because I enjoy it.