I USED to be the skinny one....

All my life I was the "skinny" one in the family. I ate like a pig, never gained a pound and was the envy of my family. Then I started having babies and all that changed. I bounced back well from the 65 pounds I gained with my now-19-year-old son and fought like mad and rebounded from my 12 year old daughter. Then I had a little 40th birthday surprize baby that has simple made it impossible.....so three years later I weigh more than I have ever weighed in my life and have no energy to chase a toddler. I have a family history of heart disease, hypercholesterolemia and my dad was recently diagnosed with diabetes. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....I cannot carry around 70 -80 extra pounds and expect no consequences. I am here to get fit, lose the weight AND get my bikini body back. HELP!!!! I am in my 3rd week of exercise and what seems like unreal calorie restriction (1370 per day). Not a day goes by that I dont want milkshake..... I need some pals to keep me motivated.


  • yaya0527
    Good for you! I'm struggling with weight from just my first child. :happy:
  • jaimelynn913
    Look at it this way...I only get 1200 calories a day. The key is to find foods that are filling, but wont kill you with calories. And the other key is PORTION control. The thing I like about MFP is that it doesnt restrict WHAT foods you can eat. If you want a milkshake, have one! But look it up and find the correct serving size, and limit yourself to just that. OR if you must have the whole thing, try and burn off atleast half of it with exercise...the key is to stay below your calories everyday.

    GOOD LUCK!! :-)
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    You sound very much like me. I lost the weight easily after my son (he is 16 now), easily after my oldest daughter (she is 11), and weigh more now than I EVER did pregnant. Part of it is weight from my 2nd daughter (she will be 3 in a few weeks!), and part is from when I quit smoking. It will come off.

    (I was one of the skinny ones. My sister was taller and looked leaner than me...she weighs WAY more than I do now *evil laughter*)

    Oh, and I agree with Jamielynn above. MFP doesn't limit your foods. I have had PMS all week, and have slipped in a few Twix bars to get my chocolate fix! I only get 1320 / day. I rarely hit it. I have a hard time eating as much as I need to.
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    I've yo-yo'd the same 20 lbs since my teenage years! And I am a total Foodie- I love to eat and have fun with friends over food. Staying fit is a constant struggle! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Turbo Jam by Beach Body and Cahe Freidrich workouts- they keep me going on my workouts. As far as eating- I too struggle to meet the calories of 1370- but if you workout- you can eat more calories- so that really helps me every day! I use a heart rate monitor when I work out so I can enter in my calorie burn against my food intake. Also- try the "Dessert" protien powders to help with the milkshake cravings. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk with the powder. They have nummy flavors- Banana Creme Pie, Chocolate Coconut Candy... sooooo delicious! I try and eat 5 smaller meals per day (3 meals, 2 snacks) to keep my blood sugar in check. But- like I said, I am currently struggling to loose my 20 lbs AGAIN! Good Luck! Do not give up!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Losing when your 40 and over is sooo hard! I cant imagine having a child at 40 then trying to lose weight! UGH! Keep on keeping on! Your doing good! I always tell people it didnt take me a month to put this weight on so it wont fall in a month! LOL!
  • marianmaj
    marianmaj Posts: 96 Member
    Add me as a friend! You CAN have a milk shake just make it with protein powder and delicious healthy almond milk! I had my 3rd baby later too (33) and it was SO different than having one at 27 and 29! You do need to exercise more TWICE as much just to maintain after 40....so know the facts and be positive! You will be so happy when you reach your goals! Lots of support for you here! Good luck!!!! Marian
  • smh32775
    smh32775 Posts: 4 Member
    I was very much like you..the skinny one in the family. I loved that friends would call me "tiny". I had my 1st child at 24yrd old and went from 98lbs to 154lbs! I got back to 113lbs afterwards. With my 2nd and 3rd I gained and lost but not all of it. After my 3rd I was in my 120's. It was my 4th child that did me in. It was a struggle to lose the weight. Then I battled a 10lb weight gain from some medication I was on.
    I'm fighting to get my old body back. I realize that I'll never be 98lbs again and don't want too. My goal is 120 and I'm at 128 now.
    I hate exercise but find that using the Wii with my kids makes it a lot easier! Good Luck!!
  • moberry
    Hello all, hubby has joined your group and has encouraged me to join as well. I too was skinny as a child and have great memories of what a wonderful cook my mom was. I had child #4 at 37 and weight that was a minor issue is now a major one. I was able to drop 40lb. in my 40's and keep it off for almost 5 years and then creep creep, before I knew it, BAM! I ate my way to my present weight. I work full time and am in the home stretch for a masters degree so I would say I'm busy, just not the right kind of active. So, that's me...