Just started about 1 week ago


I quit smoking a little over year ago and boy did the weight jump on. Trying to get back down to what I was, or even better so I can play with my kids again. Hoping this will help me make the life style change I need.


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Good luck.. You can do anything you set your mind to if you want it bad enough.. Cheers.
  • MindyF68
    Hi there and welcome

    I started last week also. I find the support on here is great. I also quit smoking 6 yrs ago and I also gained weight than lost it than gained it back again and that is why I am hoping mfp can help me to loose it again for good this time would be nice. I am 42 and disabled but I can do some things not alot but some is better than none right. I am from Nebraska. I have one daughter and two grandbabies and been married for 24 going on 25 yrs. How about you? You can add me if you want to.