Anyone suffer from HS? I need support...

I was diagnosed with Hydradenitis Supporativa 4 years ago ... it can be common skin disorder in women. People who have it don't usually broadcast it, but I am embarrassed to talk to anyone face to face about it other than my dermatologist.

Anyone out there know what I am talking about?


  • hsgmom
    hsgmom Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, my 11 year old was diagnosed this week. It is very frightening.
  • DButcher146
    DButcher146 Posts: 7 Member
    I have it. It's miserable. I've been suffering for years. I found something that's working for me and I've been clear for two weeks now. Even though I'm sweating up a storm now that I'm exercising. But I know the pain, embarrassment, and feelings that go along with HS.
    If you'd like to add me as a friend on here I'm perfectly ok with that. :)