Treadmill "Games"

kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Do any of you outdoor runners have any "game" you play on the treadmill to keep from getting so stinking bored on there? I do some intervals, and creep up the speed 1/10 mile faster each minute and back down etc. but when it's time to get a longer tempo run in or something, I just get so bored and end up quitting before I'm fully spent.

I'd love to hear from others what you do to keep yourself entertained and engaged while doing longer treadmill runs when you're forced indoors.


  • Do you have a tv by your treadmill? I personally love watching tv it distracts me and sometimes I'll run during the show and jog in commercials or run faster in them.
  • sarahTV
    sarahTV Posts: 65 Member
    I have the tv on while I'm on the treadmill, I don't find it boring, but when I'm running and I'm tiring and not at my goal yet, I have this dumb trick where I count to ten, then I count by tens. I try to count in perfect rhythm with my calorie ticker or my clock...usually it catches my attention long enough to make it to my next goal and then I start all over again.
  • deborahkidd
    deborahkidd Posts: 35 Member
    I catch up on all my shows on DVR while on the treadmill. You are right, it gets boring!
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    Try to keep up with 30 Seconds to Mars' "Closer to the Edge" on 8.5 mph for the duration of the song.
  • I'm having the same issue. I've been having a hard time with the treadmill. Usually I just make a really good playlist and keep the music pumping really loud.

    I tried the tv thing and it was worse than listening to music. I couldn't do it. Sometimes I like to flip through the weekly fliers. I'm looking forward to seeing other responses.
  • valbar61
    valbar61 Posts: 183 Member
    I increase and lower my speed by .5 mph every 5 minutes and that helps some. I also like to watch TV while walking.
  • doesgo
    doesgo Posts: 15 Member
    I set the laptop on the holder thingy and watch DVDs. My eyes aren't good enough for books or magazines. I tried playing video games while treadmilling, but I kept moving off the track with my game character's movements! Bad idea.
  • So I will find someone who appears to have just started on a treadmill or stair stepper near by and I will tell myself that I can go longer than them.

    I will crank up the levels/intensity and push myself to keep going as long as this stranger at the gym is, it gives me something to focus on other than a predetermined time/calorie count and makes it more of a competition of who will give out first.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I recently found a hill workout online at for the treadmill. I did it a couple days ago and loved it! (And I'm not really a fan of the treadmill). I did the set twice, each set is only 12 minutes long. I did mine at a 5.0 pace, but do what you feel comfortable.

    1 min at 2% incline
    2 min at 0%
    1 min 4%
    2 min at 2%
    1 min at 6%
    2 min at 4%
    1 min at 8%
    2 min at 6%

    If any of you do it, let me know what you think!
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I've done intervals of 2 min walking, 3 min of a job (about 5 mph) and then one minute of sprint and then it brings me back to the 2 min walking to recover. I've heard that keeping a fan in front of the treadmill helps, especially if you like jogging outside. Never tried it but I suppose it gives more of a feeling as if you're going somewhere.
  • K- I have heart rate fitness builder interval trainings I can give you! Zone 1-3 workouts... they are short intervals so it keeps you paying attention and going up and down... but it is controlled in your zones so it helps build fitness not just all willy nilly... :) That is what I do in the gym most of the time... at least until Feb when I start my half- trianing in earnest!
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I put the satellite radio channel on the TV- I think it is called Club Mix or something--dance music anyway, and set my treadmill speed so that I can use the beats per minute for my walking cadence. If it is slower, I add upper body movements, or change my stride to baby steps or kind of put a swagger in my walk , and really have fun with it.

    Oh. And my treadmill is in my basement. I would not be caught dead doing this stuff in public :)
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