Lap Band



  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    I've had 3, and had my 3rd lapband taken out 3 weeks ago. It's definitely not the easy way out, but if you're not willing to eat well and exercise it definitely won't work for you.
  • AndreaEllen
    AndreaEllen Posts: 71 Member
    It's a good tool if you are healthy about it follow your doctor's guidelines. I had my banding almost 2 years ago and lost 50lbs and then was hospitalized for malnutrition because I didn't follow what my doctor told me. Now for the last year it's been totally open and although I didn't gain my weight back I'm more focused on diet and nutrition. Even with an open band it still limits how much I can consume so I love it. And eventually I might start tightening again but for now I'm happy working out, tightening up, and being healthy