elliptical ?

I want to get one. Do they have one that folds that I can push under my bed when I am done or is there any type of equipment thats like that bike, treadmill whatever that folds for easy storage?
Ty in advance.

I try googling ( I suck at googling) I end up in the strangest of places


  • katzplay62
    I saw an elliptical that folded at Costco a couple weeks ago. I seem to recall it ran around $500-600 and didn't really fold all that much, certainly not enough to get it under a bed. The large flywheel limits how small it can get.

    I had a treadmill for years that folded up but it still had a footprint of about 2' by 4'. Most good quality equipment isn't meant to be compacted.

    If you're short of space, maybe a good set of exercise dvds would work?


  • IceFaith
    I don't know about them folding but when I bought mine I got it at a used sports equipment place. I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on something I wasn't sure that I would keep using. I got mine at a pretty good price. When I wear it out, I'm going to get one that is a little bit better.
  • jennygurumi
    I know they make them because my neighbor has one. :smile:
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I have a Nordictrack elliptical and I love it. The flywheel does foldup making it a little smaller than when in use but it definately won't go under the bed. I'm not sure if they make them like that or not but I did want to let you know that I adore my elliptical.