emotional issues

cooki3s Posts: 47
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I just had a reality kick about the emotional issues that still lie beneath the surface, even after some of the pounds have come off, and I look much more fit on the outside.
All it took to trigger me, was trying to talk with someone close, about body innerwear for a evening dress. She just off-the-way said - yea but its no use if you binge eat, no point to buy shape trimming underwear if you binge eat.

And I was hurt, surprising myself with how upset I got.
Because even with maintaining mostly a vegetarian diet now, and exercising regularly... it was like my conscious also chimed in -yea you've messed up with binge eating before haven't you??

She apparently had no idea that I would be triggered like that.. Partly also because for her, her problem is more difficulty gaining weight than losing.

Just thought Id remind us all that even though getting physically fit and trim is definitely helpful to having better emotional health - we still have to be prepared for those "demons of the past" that tell us that we've stuffed up, that we need to return to our comfort-friend of food... Tell yourself that you are worth it to keep trying, no matter how others don't see how hard a struggle its been for you.



  • Awww it is hard sometimes when people say things like that...they don't mean to hurt your feelings, and inside we know they don't...but somehow it still does! Hang in there.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    sorry it triggered a reaction like that for you. it is hard. i was surprised at the sentimental pull certain foods exercised over me this past holiday time, too. just do the best you can every day and hang in there!
  • thanks sooo much for the reminder;o)...we are all worth it!
  • cooki3s
    cooki3s Posts: 47
    BTW I didnt rule out PMS.. :p
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