P90X Starting JAN 24 JOIN ME and BRING IT

alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I'm starting Monday Jan 24 with P90X. Wich people are starting monday too?
In this topic we can give each other tips and motivation during P90X.


  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    I'm not starting p90x, but I will be beginning week 2 on monday. I swapped my yoga day with cardiox. the first half is yoga and than blasting away calories for the second half. I don't have 90 minutes to spare and yoga never was my thing.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I am with ya!! Let's do this!!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Me! Me! I will :) I have been staring at those DVD's for far too long!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I am pretty excited about tomorrow! I took my measurements and I am going to take a before pic. Is anyone following the diet too?
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I am pretty excited about tomorrow! I took my measurements and I am going to take a before pic. Is anyone following the diet too?

    We are going to try to stick with the meal plan...makes things a little complicated since my husband and I are two different levels and our schedules being different, we can't always do the same thing. Makes it tough to "plan". But we will get it figured out as we go!

    We took our measurements yesterday! I was totally shocked that his were so close to mine! He not a big guy tho...he just has a belly to get rid of. That's the only area his measurements were quite a bit more that mine.
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    I just stick to my calories (1370 a day plus half of my excercise calories) and try to eat healty food :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I'm not starting p90x, but I will be beginning week 2 on monday. I swapped my yoga day with cardiox. the first half is yoga and than blasting away calories for the second half. I don't have 90 minutes to spare and yoga never was my thing.

    I might do the same thing. I am more focus on losing weight then anything. So some intense cardio followed by yoga sounds great.
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    After reading through the books Sunday night I decided to go with the lean routine. I am tend to jump into things whole hog but then wear myself out and don't stick to it so I thought this would be a good way to ease myself into it. Yesterday I did core synergistics and today was cardio x. Today started out easy but in the end I was pretty tired :) I also did an hour of yoga at the gym this morning. I have decided to just watch my calories and try to eat healthy rather then follow the diet closely. How is everyone else doing?
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Made it through Day 2!! My 14 y/o son has actually been doing the workouts too. So it's become a nightly family thing! We are all sore, but it's fun to see who can out-do the other! So far Mom is the winner. :) Bring on Day 3!!
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    I've also been starring at my dvd's. When my son was not crawling everywhere I was able to do about three weeks of p90x.. now he is close to walking and I just don't have time to do 1.5 hours a day. Good luck everyone! It is an amazing program and I am sure you will see results. I did in just a week.
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I just stick to my calories (1370 a day plus half of my excercise calories) and try to eat healty food :)

    I hadn't thought to do half of my exercise calories. I am going to start doing that!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms wasn't too bad! But the Ab Ripper killed me...AGAIN!! Can't wait to do that one all the way through without having to stop and take a breather!!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    My triceps are killing me today :) In the lean routine today was supposed to be Yoga X but I did Kenpo instead. Tomorrow I have Zumba at the gym...I am debating on doing leg/back tomorrow night or saving it for Saturday morning and saving Yoga for my rest day.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Only did 40 min of the Yoga...will have to work on that one. But it did make me feel so much better! Legs and back tonight. I really feel like I need to be doing extra cardio.
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    Good Job!
    I dont like the yoga part but I have to try to hold on for 90 minutes.Last time I did yoga i stopped after 20 minutes LOL :-)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I started P90X (lean) this week too! I HAAAAATE yoga but my friend told me after the first 45 minutes of moving, it changes to balancing and posing things so I was able to hang in there for an hour and 15 minutes. Yoga absolutely bores me. I forget the schedule....is it kenpo or back/legs tonight?
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I wasn't a big fan of yoga for awhile but I am have learned to enjoy it :) I haven't done the P90X version yet, I am saving it until Sunday. Tomorrow I have dodge ball at the gym so I think I will do stretch x and run on the treadmill for bit. Tomorrow is supposed to be Kenpo but I did Kenpo instead of the Yoga.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Well we made it through week 1. I have figured out that I am in better shape than I thought. And my husband is not in as good of shape as I thought he was in. We are both still motivated and focused on our goals. We are getting used to the eating plan. It's working out well for us. The scale is moving for him, but not for me yet. But I can tell it's working already. Ready for week 2!! We are going to take our measurements again at the end of this week. Hope to see some progess!!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Well we made it through week 1. I have figured out that I am in better shape than I thought. And my husband is not in as good of shape as I thought he was in. We are both still motivated and focused on our goals. We are getting used to the eating plan. It's working out well for us. The scale is moving for him, but not for me yet. But I can tell it's working already. Ready for week 2!! We are going to take our measurements again at the end of this week. Hope to see some progess!!

    Good job! I bet you will see results! I took my measurements on Friday and I have lost an inch around my waist :) I can wait to see what happens this week.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member

    Good job! I bet you will see results! I took my measurements on Friday and I have lost an inch around my waist :) I can wait to see what happens this week.

    Woohoo!! Congratulations!!

    Plyo last night! I really think that's gonna be one of my favorites.
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