Hiya! I'm new

MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!

My name's Meghan (clearly enough :smile: ) and I'm new here.

I've had a lifelong battle with weight which has gone in good and bad directions (think "feast or famine") at different points in my life. I'm hoping that finding a community, and having some semi-public accountability, will help me stay on a healthy track.

I weigh about 235 pounds (my scale at the moment is a bit inaccurate, so the "real" number is pending a better scale) and I'm aiming to be about 125. I'm just a hair over 5 feet tall, so that would place me nicely in the normal BMI category, as little stake as I'd like to place in that number.

I have PCOS, which I understand is a fairly common problem in overweight ladies. I've been advised that it is crucial to get in better shape and monitor the kinds of food that I'm eating to avoid diabetes. On a superficial note, while I do feel lovely in my own curves, I'd love to be able to wear short flirty dresses and feel comfortable in public.

I just got married on 10/10/10 and have a one-man cheerleading squad in my husband.

I'm also in the process of moving this week, and plan to start the couch-to-5k once I'm done with days of lugging boxes and furniture up three flights of stairs (I should find a way to log that!). I have Wii Fit and EA Sports Active, which will be back out of storage after the move. I may join the nearby gym, or may stick with the paid-for options I have now.

Thanks for reading, and looking forward to meeting you all!


  • Good luck with the move and your weight loss journey Meghan!! xx
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss journey! I'm sure you'll do great. My Fitness Pal is fantastic for finding friends to help encourage and motivate you! Feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    welcome to the site. everybody here is so encourageing. feel free to add me as a friend. good luck to you. also i love that you got married on 10/10/10 haha.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Welcome aboard. Congrats on the wedding and the new move. You can add me as a freind if you like. I have been doing the wii fit and the treadmill. I just started the c25k last week, I am on week 2 and never ran any distance in my life.

    Best wishes.
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    Good Luck!! You are starting off in the right place that's for sure! THis site and all of the supporters you will meet along the way are fantastic!!! Feel free to friend me I would love to help you along your journey...:smile:
  • Best of luck to you. We're all on this journey together and we need all the support we can get. Kudos to your husband!! Good luck and I wish nothing but the best to you!!:bigsmile:
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi and welcome! I did not realize how much this site has helped me until my weigh in last week! I love it here and I hope that you do too! Best of luck. The support and inspiration here is amazing. Not to mention the great friends you make here! Good luck on your move and your newly found journeys!
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    Wow, you guys are all so friendly! Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • dina37
    dina37 Posts: 2
    HI Megan I have had the same trouble with my weight so i am going to curves and watching what I eat. :smile:
  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Meghan! Thanks for sharing! Good Luck on your journey! MFP is wonderful!
  • Welcome! I am new too. I usually just use myfitnesspal on my iphone and just found that we can connect with others!

    Hoping to learn lots :)
  • 2beT
    2beT Posts: 3
    Welcome! Like so many, I am new to this site as well. It is comforting to see so many members with similar goals as mine. Good Luck to you and with your move!
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