Going away for the wkend nxt wk. Worried about food intake.

Proudmumofboys Posts: 73
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
My husband and i are going away next thursday until sunday. We are going to a comedy show w/ friends and then the casino and just hanging out. My husband's 40th b-day is next monday, so we are going for his b-day.

I am worried about the food I will be eating, and how to stay on track. I want to go and have a good time, eat, or drink if I want to, but don't want to play MAKE UP when I get home.


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Do you know the restaurants you're hoping to hit? Maybe you could look up their menus ahead of time and make some good choices. If not, a lot of restaurants have low-cal stuff indicated on their menus.

    Take along some fruits and veggies for snacking in the hotel room. Maybe eat an apple before you go out for dinner, and then box up half your plate so you won't be tempted to eat the whole thing. If you drink alcohol, do something lighter like a gin and tonic instead of a high-cal cocktail. Otherwise, just enjoy yourself! Try to be mindful, but don't let it rule your weekend. As long as you don't go completely crazy, you'll be ok. Happy birthday to your hubby!
  • Why not just be as good as you can by choosing wisely, but tell yourself you'll get back on track when the weekend's over? It's the only way to still enjoy yourself but not feel too guilty!
  • almost EVERY resteraunt has salads that you can choose from. from what i have learned from on the biggest loser its ok to go to resteraunts. just cut ALL your portions in half and save the rest for another meal :)
  • I try to get a garden salad and box up 1/2 the meal. Or I get soup/salad combos. I agree with bringing fruit and veggies for snacks too. that always works for me.

    but overall my advice is be mindful of what you are eating, but don't go crazy and stop yourself from having fun over it. I look at the calorie counting as a new way of life, and there are always days that i might go over and some I go under. it's not meant to stop you from living, just helping you make better choices!
  • there is no getting back on track guys!!! this is a change of life forever u have to learn how to eat right no matter where u go or what you do... they have salads, fish dinners... have fruit and cereal for breakfast.. take some special K bars to snack on.. and u r all set... that way you can have a drink or two and still be good...
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    I too am planning an upcoming weekend get away with extended family who loves to eat, and am a bit apprehensive on my willpower and sticking with my calorie goals. I am bringing along a charting sheet so I can continue to log because i will be away from my mfp site. Then I went to this restaurant website...http://www.fastfood.com/nutrition/ and I printed out a variety of example restaurants (you can choose up to 25 items to print off on each selection), one Mexican, Chinese, buffet, McDonald, and a couple more...I am going to have these menu choices of smart things to order in my purse in case I get stuck and need to make a decent choice. I am going to also be wearing a pedometer to log my walking since I may not find a treadmill. Good luck and enjoy yourself we all need a break once in a while.
  • Thank you EVERYONE!

    I know the comedy show is serving dinner, I think, not sure of the food. I do not like fish, but I do love Grilled chicken, and salads as well as fresh veggies. I will do my best choosing the healthy stuff, but unfortunately the people I am going w/ will not choose the healthy stuff.. lol..

    As far as alcohol, I'm more of a beer drinking. "miller lite" normally or "MGD 64" Those are my normal choices.

    I am going to take some fruits w/ me and some fresh veggies for in the room, they serve a breakfast at our hotel, they have just cereal fruit and bagels, so i will be sure to get fruit and cereal. :)

    thanks everyone for the help on this matter. I really was starting to feel worried about this.. but I think I can do it! And I will have this site w/ me.. I downloaded the APP on my phone! :) So that's good! :) Just incase I get off track I can check in.
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