looking to start a long term challange group!

jAdorelife Posts: 95
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone, I'm looking to start a long term challange group. There won't be any specific goals like 50lbs in 5 months or whatever. It can be any goal & I'm thinking a time line of 6-9 months (so ending around july- september). Maybe either a getting ready for summer challange or getting ready to go back to school (i'm a college student). I would set up a spreadsheet with everyone's starting weight & goal weight and on the last day of every month we could have an official weighing in I would record. (If that's not your weghing in day you could just use that weeks weight). I think it would be good to have a group for the long term esp. for people like me who have a lot of weight to loose (123lbs total, but I'm focusing on my first mini goal now). Let me know what you all think & maybe we can get something together & have it all together to start the group for Feb. 1st (officially, since a Jan weigh in wouldn't be that beneficial).


  • count me in i work at a school so sept would be great for me to i am 199 lb now aim is 140 ( sept may be a bit a bit quick to reach so may set smaller goal to be on route) i am set to lose 1-2 lb per week and try to do 4 20-30 min exercise sessions per week but cant always manage that due to time so motivation much needed
  • I would be into a longer term challange...a bit older then you two (at 42) and overall have more than 100lbs to lose. Currently at 278 and in 6 months would like to be down around 240....In the last year I have lost about 40lbs but was not totally serious and commited the whole year...I plan to be much more focused and dedicated to a healthy life style this year!! I found MFP about two weeks ago and love the support. I so wish I had gotten my act together in my 20s (or even my 30s) to committ to being healthy; but 40s is never to late. I think Feb 1st would be a great starting point.
  • it's never too late to get healthy! i'm excited to be in a long term group, I think it's exactly what I need to stay accountable & motivated! (: I'll be happy to post a list of all members we have on Feb 1st & anyone that posts their SW & final goal by then will have that up on the sheet as well. that way everyone can see all the members and add anyone they want.

    ahh i'm excited you both are interested, i've wanted this kind of group for a long time. we can do this!!
  • cant wait to get started now yay:happy:
  • I could use some guidelines.
  • well i figured since we're going to be checking in with each other we should get to know each other a little bit since we have time before we officially start the challange. my name is samantha, i'm 21 & i'm a senior in college (nursing major). next september i'll be starting the internship of my dreams & i would love to be at my goal weight by then (a little bit of a long shot considering that leaves nine months to loose about 100 lbs). I used to be a tiny little thing, but when though some tough times as a teenager & found comfort in food. i'm excited to be able to wear a bikini again and would love to be my old size 4 (:

    *also if anyone has any suggestions for the group like if we should have mini challanges during the month (like getting water in or burning a certain number of cals) just to add structure or push ourselves or if we should have a group name or make it a game like biggest loser.... & so on let me know. it's your group too & if there's anything you think we should add or subtract, don't be shy!!
  • count me in!:wink:
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and I'd love to join a group.

    I'm 35, mom to two and in grad school. I've been doing WW and lost 10 lbs so far, but switched to MFP for the savings. I love to cook and I am all about the clean eating! I haven't started exercising yet because I'm recovering from a back injury, but I'm ramping that up and hope to be back at the gym soon!
  • i just recently got a back injury too & haven't been able to get back to working out yet. my doctor did give me a few arm workouts that don't use any back muscles.
  • okay ladies i've put together some guidelines that i think will work for the group just so everyone knows what it's about...

    1) The challenge will begin Feb. 1st & Final weighing in will be September 1st.
    2) There is no set amount of weight one should be trying to lose, everyone can set their own final goal & mini goals if they want.
    3) There will be monthly weigh-ins (the 1st makes the most sense, but it's flexible anythime during the first week of the month should be fine) *also if you want to post weekly weights that's completly fine, but i'll only be including the monthly weights on the spreadsheet.
    4) I don't want to set any manditory post days / number of times everyone has to post. I think that if you have a comment, struggle, victory, advice, question & so on you should feel free to post on anytime about anything. I hope that we all mesh well & enjoy the group enough to post daily, but life happens & there may be times people can't post for a few days, that's fine.
    5) Other than the deadline & official start date the only other real rule of the group is that everyone is respectful of one another (which i don't think will really be a problem).

    Again if anyone wants to start posting advice/progress/tips/or a little intro about themself so that we can all get comfortable with each other before Feb 1st, I think it would be really great. I hope that this group/challenge works out because i really need the motivation. my weigh-in was today & it was a 5lb loss, but i think that I'm headed for a rut since my back injury is really starting to get me down & i've made bad food choices the past two days. I hope I get out of this rut today & with any luck all this resting will pay off & i'll be hitting the gym next week!!

    How is everyone else doing?? good progress, I hope!!
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