Cheat Night :(

My fiance and I decided to have a cheat night last night (ordered pizza) and we ended up eating WAY more than we should have.. this morning I weighed in 2 lbs more than yesterday :( I feel awful.
My stomach is so bloated it hurts.

Any suggestions to help?
Also.. today, should I eat less? Or continue on with my regular calorie amount?

Thanks everyone.


  • djfloyd
    I'm sorry :(

    Continue with your calorie count and make sure that you are active today. You have water weight from the HIGH sodium content of the pizza.
    Future advice: Find alternative cheats that you can make yourself, for instance if you have a craving for pizza, make little serving sized portions using whole grain english muffins, lowfat cheese, low sodium sauce, and any veggies/low sodium meat (turkey pepperoni is awesome). You will feel better physically (NO BLOATING) and mentally (NO GUILT).

    P.S. Drink LOTS of water today to release that water weight! You'll feel better :)
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Water, water and more water! And maybe a bit more exercise. As for food, just stick with your regular plan, I would say.

    Remember, one bad meal isn't the end of the world and won't do much damage as long as you keep them few and far between. I think a cheat meal is essential to keep you satisfied and on track, at least for me anyway. Helps me from keeping deprived.