I love home canned tomatoes.

I never knew how awesome they were.

I didnt think I liked stewed tomatoes based on storebought so I always gave my home canned tomatoes away.

Until last year when a friend suggested a tsp of lemon juice in each jar while processing.

A few months later I opened a jar and whoa!

I took a taste and ended up drinking the whole jar!


All these years and I never knew.

Now I use them as a side dish and a sauce over just about anything.

Last night I poored some over pork chops!

Next year I swear I am going to can enough to get at least 2 jars a week.


  • bikinikillaer
    Sounds yummy! We're going to start making preserves so I'll have to suggest the tomatoes to my boyfriend, the executive chef in this operation. :)
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    How do you make it?!
    When my mum grow tomatoes in the summer there is always some left over. Well LOTS left over.

    My mum hates tomatoes!
    Im away and my sister is away :D!

    So we will have tonnes which could be preserved!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I peel the big ones and put in quart jars then process with 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp lemon jiuce.

    The littler ones I just throw in the food processor and give a rough chop, peels and all. Same thing with the salt and lemon.

    I do about half in quart jars and half in pint jars as once opened they dont last long.

    But like I said, I usually just end up drinking what is left anyway!!

    To peel tomatoes, score a small "X" at the bottom of the tomato then dunk in a pot of boiling water for about a half a minute.

    Let them cool and the peels just slide right off.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    now is that a tsp of lemon juice to a pint or a quart?
    I do diced in the pints and whole or sliced in the quart jars
    but I will so try that this coming year
  • TeddyCharlton
    TeddyCharlton Posts: 46 Member
    I'm going to have to try this, thank you, thank you!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    1 tsp is for a quart.

    But seriously, the more, the merrier!