
What is a good daily percentage of protein for body building?


  • norcalwrangler
    Try to do at least your body weight in protein. (it may be more, but this should be the minimum for body building) So if you say you weigh 180lbs, then try for 180g protein per day. :)
    Hope this helps!!!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    For the average healthy adult, the USDA recommends a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kilogram of body weight. To figure this out in pounds, just divide your weight by 2.2 and then multiply your answer by 0.8. (For example, a 200lb person would divide 200 by 2.2 and get about 91. They'd then multiply 91 by 0.8 and get about 73. So, this example 200lb person would require a minimum of 73 grams of protein per day.)

    When putting together your weight loss diet, you should also keep in mind that the above protein recommendation is just a minimum. It's also for the "average" adult. If you plan on exercising (which you should), you are no longer "average." For both of these reasons, I'd personally recommend consuming a bit more than this daily minimum amount. One half of your body weight (in pounds) is a good starting point (a 200lb person would consume 100 grams of protein per day).

    Going a bit higher than that is alright as well. Unless you will be doing some VERY serious weight training, I think a pretty good maximum daily protein amount for most people is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (for a 200lb person, this would be 200 grams of protein). Now you have a recommendation for both a minimum and maximum amount of protein to consume per day. Falling somewhere in between would probably be a good idea for most people.