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will not cave. will not cave. will not cave...

I am so close to caving! It's 2.23am, I'm just home from a night out with the girls. There was a lot of fatty food and icecream consumption, along with more margaritas than I'm sure they'll care to remember in the morning. I ate a reasonably small amout of reasonably healthy food - no icecream, no alcohol. But the whole night was spent being pestered by my friends to just have "one little drink" or "just one scoop" of icecream. I resisted it but far out it was hard and their constant prodding did NOT make it any easier!! Now I'm home and sitting with a cup of coffee, just about ready to kill for a piece of chocolate or a handful of doritos. But I refuse to cave!!
Does resisting when your friends are constantly encouraging you to do the opposite ever get any easier??


  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I feel ya! My best friend actually gets MAD at me when we go out to dinner and I don't order dessert and she does. Or she expects me to share it with her and I politely refuse. I don't think it gets any easier but just keep resisting. You can do it!

    Now go to bed! :)
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    You know, when I first got sober, friends often said "just one drink won't hurt you". I'm convinced if I had started drinking again, I would be dead today.

    Yes, it DOES get easier. You'll build willpower, they'll see you're serious....and it'll get better. Hang in there!
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    I hate when people do that!
    ALL the time! :(
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    That's funny. I know how that is going out with coworkers. When I do go out with them I do drink but I have one drink and baby it for a while, or I tell them I'll be the D&D. So I will take them home and I have an excuse not to drink. The best part is that they pay for my dinner (that's the cost for being the D&D for us). If I can I get a cal course off the menu. If there isn't then I just eat what ever looks good and try to eat half of the meal (most of the time it doesn't happen and I eat all of it).
    Keep it up you are doing great. If I want ice cream I get skinny cow bars or sandwiches. I wish you the best. Take care.
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    That was strong of you...I am wowed about that. I don't think I could have done that if it were me. Keep it up! You've just proven "You will not cave!"
  • You know, when I first got sober, friends often said "just one drink won't hurt you". I'm convinced if I had started drinking again, I would be dead today.

    Yes, it DOES get easier. You'll build willpower, they'll see you're serious....and it'll get better. Hang in there!

    Have a talk with your friends. The have to be supportive of you. How good of a friend are they of they want to see you fail? We are needing the support and encouragement to make positive life changes. If we are recovering drug or alcohol addicts fist thing we would do is to surround our selves with a support network. You can't jump back into the same set of friends, especially if they aren't on the same journey. Once you have the will power to resist the temptations then you can reintroduce your self to them.

    Be open and upfront with your friends. Part of this journey is making hard choices. Some of the changes have to start at your emotional center. Look at your local community for any weight loss support groups or at your gym.

    Good luck. I know it's hard but making life style changes is part of the overall package. Make positive boundaries for your friends and have them get on board to supporting your life or have then step back so better ppl can come forward. you have to do whats best for you. We are food addicts in recovery.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Stay strong, you didnt give in when you were surrounded by those naughty friends, so now dont you loose fight with yourself!
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    Enjoy your cup of coffee, then do something to relax, which doesnt involve eating- for me it would either be to have a nice hot shower, or to go to bed!!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm impressed!!! I don't know if I would have been able to resist either!

    If you made it through that night without caving, it will only get easier. The hard part is over. After a few more nights of that, your friends will see you ARE serious and will probably stop offering and maybe even pick up YOUR healthy habits! You'll be asking them"to "just try one carrot!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I had a friend who would constantly pester and my husband finally told me he thought she was a bad influence, and that hurt her feelings. So, she stopped undermining me because she didn't want to be thought of as a bad friend...maybe have a person on your side stick up for you? It's hard when it's a group of girls, but honestly, how often does that kind of badgery come from a bad place? Um, always! I know it's hard, but be angry at them and it will steel your resolve. Maybe tell them you don't like it when they do that and start to pull away. They may not want to lose your friendship, but ultimately that's the cost of treating the people you love callously, so let them know what they are in for if they do not respect your health. I bet they don't want that! And I bet they don't care how hard it was for you to sit there alone at the end of a night out with a cup of coffee wishing for chocolate.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    Just so you know, I have a lot of respect for you and I would have given them a piece of my mind for treating you that way, I know how hard it is. You did really really well.
  • Some days its going to be really easy to say no, and some days its going to be really hard. I think you should be EXTREMELY proud of yourself for not caving last night!!! I found for myself the longer I go "without caving" the stronger my will power becomes. You know that their eating is only hurting their bodies and not providing any nutritional value, but sometimes you might slip up and have a drink or ice cream, but remember its not the end of the world. Just dont let it slide into the next day. Just gotta take it one day at a time! And if you do want those doritoes or chocolate then just make sure to work out to offset those calories and stay within your budget for the day .

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I hate when people do that. I think when people do that they feel guilty about their own habits (even if subconsciously), your good habits remind them of that so they try to bring you down to their own habits to make themselves feel better. Don't give in :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I would explain to your friends that you are trying to change your habits and lifestyle. That they need to respect that, or you can't hang out and do fun stuff like that together. Show them you are serious. They will change their tone if they are true friends.