Does anyone have PCOS?



  • katiemare
    i was diagnosed with PCOS about 18 months ago and was prescribed Metformin, which because of some of the side effects (metallic taste in mouth, irregular bowel movements, and was just never hungry) I lost about 15 pounds in 2 months.

    I would suggest looking into metformin because now i don't have any side effects and when i watch what I eat I lose about 3-5 pounds a month without working out. Metformin has also regulated my period and brought my hormone levels to more average numbers. So although the side effects suck for a month or two in the end i think it is worth it. there is also a type of metformin where you take 3 pills at night if that suits you beter than taking one with every meal.

    Good Luck.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I have also been diagnosed with PCOS, but for me it took a long time to get that diagnosis.
    It took 10.5 years!
    I have loads of the symptoms of PCOS except one which is slightly unusual - i don't get the cysts on my ovaries - everything else but not that! This is what led to the 10 years of trying for children, struggling with weight ( it didn't go up or down - it was just there!)
    having 100's of blood tests, no regular cycle until a lap surgery foundf nothing wrong at all, which put me into quite a big depression. I had to wait another 3 months before going back, and because of everything they didn't find, he went right back to the begining of my records which were by now quite thick and said going by your blood work results I do think you have PCOS, so I am happy to try treating you as if you did, are you ok with that?
    I agreed so instead of giving me one tablet (clomid) to take he gave me two (progesterone & clomid) With a little advice about timing issues from some experienced friends, I got pregnant at the first attempt! Then came all the other worries about could I keep a baby etc. Cutting a long story short.
    Through out my pregnancy they continuted to assume I would have high blood pressure and get Gestational diabetes because I was so heavy before I started. - I didn't and I found the trip to the dietician unhelpful. My diet was I think far better than they expected. I gained 9lb with my first child - which I had lost by the time she was 6 months old.
    Daughter 2 was a natural miracle and caught us somewhat by surprise - i was nearly 16 weeks pregnant before I found out!!
    I didn't look very pregnant with either of them - dd2 i gained 7lb although she was heavier when born.
    I didn't get diabetes with her either and again my blood pressure stayed at a normal level through out.

    I have been offered Metformin by my doctor, but I didn suffer some sideeffects the last time I tried it, but I am planning on trying it again in a couple of months and see if i can do any better with it, as my diet is so much better now too, and hoping the side effects will be less.

    I cannot remember the last time I was this weight which is perhaps a little sad, but its going and thats what counts.

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend please feel free.
