I'm new and I need a lot of motivation

:flowerforyou: I've tried dieting and exercise many times and I have succeeded in the past. Here lately as I've entered into the prime of life, it seems that the motivation is not there. So begins the new year. I've made modifications to my lifestyle to start over again. This time I've joined two different exercise class which gives my 4 days a week to know not to waste that money, to go and give my all and to look at it as having fun;not trying to lose weight. I've also decided since there are 7 days to a week, working out 5 days and giving my bad knee a rest on 2 of those days is not bad. I'm also utilizing the my fitness profile for recipes, food intake and other motivational tools it can provide. Any suggestions or input will be welcomed. The hardest for me is what do I do when it I don't feel like going and there is no one around to push me.


My goal is to be a winner in the battle of the bulge.:bigsmile:


  • Deltaray1
    I understand what you are going through. Having to report daily on the computer will hopefully add some accountability to your program. Good luck with what you are doing. Even though you don't want to some days, make yourself.
    You might try putting sticky notes of possitive affirmation the first thing you see in the morning like your bathroom mirrors, the refrigerator even your computer.
    Visualize your body the way you want. Don't tell yourself you are not what you want to be, but tell yourself through the day you ARE doing great and you like your body the way it is and the progress you are making. Good luck
  • AmberHalvorson
    AmberHalvorson Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome! I am new to this site but already am feeling the benefits of it! Just knowing that I have to track everything I eat motivates me! I never realized how quickly calories add up throughout the day. I lack the motivation to move some days and really need to make exercise apart of my life and not something I dread going to do! Good luck to you! I know if you stick with everyone here you will do great! Just remember all the reasons you started your journey to a better way of life!
  • JacquieHove
    JacquieHove Posts: 7 Member
    If you like to cook I highly recommend the South Beach Diet cookbook and the Body for Life cookbook. I am a 30 year old mother of two little boys. I have had to learn how to make yummy meals/snacks/desserts that are healthy. Mac and Cheese does nothing for my hips! Those books are so helpful and show you that there are healthy ways to get your sweet tooth fix. They also show you all of the nutrition in each meal. Amazon probably has them available used. I know that my problem is not that I am not eating healthy, (because I do) I just overeat. Myfitnesspal has helped me know how much I really need. Mix up your workouts, and be careful of your knee. If you are feeling pain...stop, or you will be in much worse shape. Find workouts that are kind to your knee. Good Luck-

  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    What works for me when i'm having a day of not wanting to exercise is,
    I tell myself do nothing and your body will not change.

    If that doesn't work i look at and old pair of jeans i'm trying to fit back in to.
    It always does the trick! I have those jeans and a top that hang in front of my treadmill,
    it always gets me moving because it reminds me that if I don't do it I won't fit in to them.

    you already know this but when you add a nice visual of your goal you are most likely to go for it. (at least for me)
    try it! might work for you.

    Good Luck!
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    Hello and welcome to MFP.

    One thing I would suggest is to not look at this as dieting but a lifestyle change. The word "diet" often makes people turn to drastic measures of exercising or turniing to some fad diet program which results in a person giving up in no time. Just do small changes at a time to your food choices and you are more likely to sustain them. If you are looking for recipes a great site is allrecipes.com. If you need help with your food choices talk to a certified nutritionist or post your questions here.
    It's great that you are going to classes and on top of knowing you have to pay for them try to incorporate things that you love to do. For instance if you like to dance then take dance lessons such as Salsa or belly dancing or try Zumba and then it will seem less like exercise and be more fun.
    As for motivation you will get plenty of support from this site and try inviting friends to join you at your classes or see if you can connect with others in your classes to help motivate eachother.
    We all stumble along the way but the key thing is to get back up again and not give up.
    You can do it!!! Good Luck
  • socialite51
    LOL....I love your tatics. That's exactly my motivation a pair of jeans I've only been able to wear once 1 1/2 years ago and the perfect top I found last summer to wear with them.

    Thank you Jackie for your feedback:laugh:
  • boxerbby
    i am new too ,and i would love some help too :)
  • Sohnsearae
    I had a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear for 2 years as my goal, and guess what, I have them on, I haven't lost alot of weight yet but I am noticing that I'm slimming down a little. Welcome and feel free to add me!
  • socialite51
    Thanks Mizfit. My two classes actually are water Zumba and regular Zumba. I've actually found them to be quite fun. I have met a few people to discuss issues with and I think I'll also inform them about this site. Thanks for your input and my new location for recipes..:drinker:
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    Your welcome. Glad I could help. You can add me as a friend if you want and I can help encourage you along the way.
    You Can Do It!!!

    Thanks Mizfit. My two classes actually are water Zumba and regular Zumba. I've actually found them to be quite fun. I have met a few people to discuss issues with and I think I'll also inform them about this site. Thanks for your input and my new location for recipes..:drinker:
  • socialite51
    Thank you...I'm searching for movitational quotes now. That's one of my task today. Sticky notes, pen and pencil at hand.:happy: