New here

Trabethany Posts: 2 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a 34 year old stay at home mom to a 1 (almost anyways) year old girl.

All my life I have been overweight. I remember when I was disgusted with myself for reaching 150 pounds, and here I am so many years later sitting at 213 pounds. I go on diets, lose weight, then go back to my old habits and gain it all back and then some. At the end of my pregnancy I was 255 pounds. Within a few months of having my baby girl I was down to 194, the lowest I had been in years. Then it all just slipped, and next thing I know I had gained back nearly 20 pounds in what seems like no time at all. I'm determined to reach and stay at my goal this time. I have to do this before my weight starts to effect my health.


  • CAN lose the can...and will...I personally find the best thing to do is to surround yourself with positive motivated people like on this you have made the right choice....also...start slowly getting rid of all of the processed crap that is in your pantry...research sensible diets....and here comes the cliche' have to make that lifestyle change. Slowly work on an exercise plan...and sensible diet...and you WILL lose the weight. You won't lose the weight overnight but if you stick to a non-fad diet and exercise you will see results! The weight loss will TRULY come from your clean healthy diet....exercise will definitely help!!
    Good luck!!
    stay motivated..postive..
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    You can do it!
    We're all here for the exact same reason. This place is great. So much easier when you have support than trying to go it alone.

    Good luck!
  • Trabethany
    Trabethany Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you :)

    I'm really hoping I can stay motivated this time. I actually get myself all motivated in my mind, then when it's time to actually exercise I have no energy at all.. But if I force myself to do it anyways I feel great afterwards, but I end up getting discouraged after I get off of my treadmill and see the small amount of calories it actually burned. I'm hoping keeping better track of actual calories consumed will keep me from feeling like it's so pointless with such a small amount burned.

    For calories burned, am I supposed to track plain calories, or fat calories? My treadmill lists both but I'm not sure which one is more relevant.
  • Here is the deal....all of those "calorie counters" on machines are kinda possibly will give you a rough best...there will be no way to create a big enough deficit without cutting calories out of your daily diet.....there is sooooo much out there as far as which diet to can be confusing and overwhelming...don't let it be.....the lower carb diets DO work...this I know...but look into mediterranean diets as well.....also...eventually look into interval training to mix in with your treadmill work..
  • hi my name is diane i want learn eat right food and exerxise and lose weight i am 199 pound right now want lose more how to eat good food i am deaf weairng heairng aid i can talk and sign
  • I agree with Keta!...stay with it! and good luck
  • We have all been where you have been, and that's what this is all about: helping you out! Good luck!
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