Feeling Bummed Out :(

jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys,

Today I woke up supper exited. I't had been over a week since my last weigh in so
I was thinking, I've been working so hard let's see how much I have lost and then I saw my numbers.

I'm having mixed feelings.
I'm a little bummed out as I was hopping for a weight loss of at least 4lbs.

I'm happy I lost some weight but I just wish it was more

so here are my numbers:

SW on MFP 260

Last Weigh 248.7

CW 246.9

I lost 1.8lbs!!

I know it's something but just not were I thought I should be.
been working so hard.

Here's where you guys come in. I need some help i'm not a great cook( actually don't cook much, since I don't know how.)

If you have any tips on how to make that scale move faster, Please! let me know also any healthy food recipes of meals, snacks filling drinks, are all welcomed.

It might help since i'm not a great cook. Half the time i'm just making stuff up. lol!


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    You have to celebrate the small victories. 1.8lbs for a week is GREAT progress.
  • franic1017
    franic1017 Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats on losing almost 2 pounds. I know you wish it were more...but it is what it is...atleast you've not gained. A couple of things to consider...is it almost that time? That will cause water retention which will show on the scale as extra pounds...when or what time did you weigh? Before eating, after eating? The best time to weigh for me is before lunch or right when I wake up in the morning.

    As for meals, I will pick up an already prepared Rotisserie Chicken from grocery store or deli and eat on that for a few days. I'll have it with a cup of my favorite steamed fresh vegetables...brocolli, cauliflower or asparagus. I'll add some to a salad for a lighter meal, or make a sandwich with flatout wraps (which are lower in carbs than whole wheat bread) and they taste great.

    Hope this little tid bit helps...don't get discouraged. You can do this...it will be so worth it. Proud of you for the weight you've lost so far. Keep up the hard work.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I too think that 1.8 is actually a rather HUGE loss, and you should proly mentally adjust to 1lb a week as an expectation- 4 is rather a lot!

    As to your question about cooking I use a lot of these recipes:
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    You don't want to lose it faster ... 2 lbs a week is great and healthy! This just means you'll keep it off! Nice going!

    I have lots of recipes to share and I am happy to help:) For example, I'm making roasted vegetables tonight for dinner and they are super easy.

    I'll send a friend request and we can share:)

  • Chicken!!! Make it low fat by using more seasonings, and less condiments.
    Italian Chicken: Season a chicken breast with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and oregano then bake it. Use a little olive oil spray on the baking sheet/foil so it doesn't stick, then when it comes out cover it with spaghetti sauce NO CHEESE!!!!!
    Fajita Chicken: Same concept just change the spices, garlic powder salt pepper and cumin, eat over a bed of lettuce with low fat sour cream, black or pinto beans and salsa....again, NO CHEESE!! If you must have dressing squeeze some lime juice over it and add more salsa.
    Lemon Chicken: Lemon pepper and a little salt, eat with brown rice This is also good using shrimp or fish.
    Chicken salad: chop the chicken and mix with avocado instead of mayo....yes avocado has some fat but it's a different kind of fat than mayo omega3 vs. trans fat. Eat it wrapped in lettuce

    Let me know if this helps....I have more recipes
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    Please don't put so much stock in the number on the scale. Are you working out and building muscle? Take your other measurements and see if you're losing inches/centimeters. Four pounds in a week is a very high expectation. If you try for one pound a week, you'll probably be much happier.

    Remember, if you lose it slowly, you're more likely to keep the weight off. Personally I'd rather take four years to lose the weight and keep it off forever, than take one year to lose the weight and gain it back two years later!

    And yes, it is hard work. And some weeks your numbers aren't going to make you as happy as you'd hoped. But it's hard work that's WORTH IT! Believe me!
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    To be a great cook that is where you start ;-] Making things up. What works is good and what doesnt....well we just chalk that up to learning experience. Believe me..my fam has had allot of 'learning'....lol!
    Something easy and filling -throw in the blender about 4 clementines, a banana, handful of frozen blueberries or fruit of your choosing. If it gets a little loose put some more frozen fruit or even in it. change it up and put a kiwi in instead of a banana, or an apple, pear..etc. That will fill you up!
    A really great magazine that will help you out with good food is called clean eating. You can even go to their website and get their recipes off there.
    Here is something easy. Grab a spaghetti squash and bake it till the outside is soft like a potato. Let the thing cool off a bit. Then slice it in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds and gunk and you will be left with....spaghetti. Grab a jar of organic pasta sauce and warm that up. Maybe throw some mushrooms and veggies in it, or cook some turkey sausage and use that as well. If you can spare the calories sprinkle some parmesan...a wee bit...on top.
    Hey! you are doing a great job losing pnds. The longer it takes to get off the more likely it will stay off. Dont get down!
    You can add me if you want ;-]
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Hey...1.8lbs lost is excellent! I mentioned this to someone earlier this week too...sometimes I'll notice that when I think I'm going to lose more, I don't, but the next week I seem to lose more. There are so many fluctuations in our bodies on any given day, that it's hard to tell why it happened. You could step on the scale in a couple of days and notice that more came off then you expected, it just took a couple of extra days to hit. If you are doing everything the way you should, it WILL come off! Keep your head up!
  • I haven't lost any weight at all!! (Probably because I've been on this diet for 5 days and have cheated heavily 3 out of the 5...hey, at least I'm honest!!) You really don't want to give up, especially when you are seeing ANY kind of progress. Not everyone is successful at weight loss because it IS such a tough journey. YOU seem like you are on your way, so DON'T GIVE UP :)
  • Hi Darling. I dont know how long you've been trying to lose weight, but a few year ago, I lost 4 1/2 stone, (and put it back on but thats another story), at first, I was so gutted as the weight didnt shift for ages, but after a while, the weight started to fall off. Hang in there, trust me, it will get a lot quicker. Well done for losing 1.8lb, its a start in the right direction. Because of my feelings when I was feeling I hadn't lost enough weight, I simply stopped weighing myself until I was happy with the way I looked. This may also help. Just wait until people start saying you look thinner. That is the biggest boost of them all and you suddenly realise it is all worth it! Keep it up!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hi Darling. I dont know how long you've been trying to lose weight, but a few year ago, I lost 4 1/2 stone, (and put it back on but thats another story), at first, I was so gutted as the weight didnt shift for ages, but after a while, the weight started to fall off. Hang in there, trust me, it will get a lot quicker. Well done for losing 1.8lb, its a start in the right direction. Because of my feelings when I was feeling I hadn't lost enough weight, I simply stopped weighing myself until I was happy with the way I looked. This may also help. Just wait until people start saying you look thinner. That is the biggest boost of them all and you suddenly realise it is all worth it! Keep it up!

    I totally agree! I just started having people notice my weight loss and it feels awesome!!!!! You'll see!
  • slummymummy
    slummymummy Posts: 42 Member
    WHAT????!!!!! 1.8lbs at you current weight is a fantastic result! Remember, as you lose weight it will be harder and harder to see big numbers dropping off the scales - especially as you near your target weight. If you kept losing huge numbers, the weight would be more likely to creep back on - if you want it to stay off, lose it at a sensible pace. Don't get disheartened - try weighing out 1.8lbs of pasta (or anything else you have to hand!) and see just how much it really is - it's a huge achievement and 1.8lbs you'll never have to carry around again!
    Keep your chin up! :wink:
    Feel free to add me if you want to x
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    2lbs is amazing! You might be adding muscle mass...
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I'm with the consensus, 1.8 lbs/week is amazing. Don't pass it off as a disappointment.

    As far as cooking ideas go, it makes a big difference to read recipes. Find a couple of food blogs that suit your preferences and follow them. Get acquainted with new ingredients (especially new produce) and get creative.

    Start here: www.tastespotting.com
    and here: http://allrecipes.com/

    Take a good 1/2 hour and make a list of different recipes that seem up your alley. Then make a point of trying them out!
  • I can't write now, but I enjoy cooking, so I'd be happy to help. Feel free to look at my food diary and see if there is anything you find interesting or if there is a favorite food you like. I'll see if I can help you!
  • They say you're really only supposed to lose 1-2 lbs per week anyway, think about it, if we all lost all the weight we needed to immediately, we would all need skin tuck surgery... everywhere ;)

    Celebrate this victory because 1.8 lbs is right on track!!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    almost 2 lb loss is great!!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    it's moving as fast as is safely recommended. My advice is : be patient with yourself and be proud of your victory! that 1.8 lbs is nearly 7000 calories you either burned or reduced your intake by, that's 1000 per day! You're doing incredibly well.

    If you adjust your expectations to a realistic level you're going to see how well you are doing!
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I will be checking out some of the websites and food diaries suggested.
    Earlies someone told me to forget the scale and try something on and I did.
    I tried on an old pair of jeans They fit!! and a bit loose at the waist.
    I guess I just had a brain fart LOL!
    you are all right if it took a while to put it on it will take a while to take off.
    I must be patient and proud every little bit counts.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    it's moving as fast as is safely recommended. My advice is : be patient with yourself and be proud of your victory! that 1.8 lbs is nearly 7000 calories you either burned or reduced your intake by, that's 1000 per day! You're doing incredibly well.

    If you adjust your expectations to a realistic level you're going to see how well you are doing!

    This really helped me realize how well, I have done.
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