Any Other Night Owls?

I know that normal people sleep at night and are awake during the day. I like to stay up late, and sleep in. Do I really have to change my sleeping patterns for this lifestyle change? I know you're not supposed to eat past 7pm- but sometimes dinner isn't even ready by then. Since I'm up late nights that's usually when I do my exercising. I'm not very hungry in the beginning of the day but force myself to eat a healthy breakfast now. I'm just wondering if any other night owls are still losing weight even though their day starts later than most. Is the sun really going to affect my metabolism? Or is it just that usually people go to bed around 9pm and that's why they shouldn't eat past 7pm? Thanks! :)


  • prencesskl
    I was always told just not to eat 2-3 hours before you sleep. I am usually up until 12 or 1, and don't wake up until around 10 or 11, so we eat dinner at 8/8:30. I still try and get some sunlight, if it's out, and not tooo cold. But I think as long as you give yourself time to digest your food before you sleep, you should be good.
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    I usually stay up until about 4am and wake around noon. I've had no problems with losing weight on this schedule...I've lost 36 kilos (almost 80 pounds) altogether. I just don't eat anything for the 2-3 hours before I get in bed.
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks girls! Yea that's what I figured! Ok I'll make sure to not eat those 2-3 hrs before going to sleep. :) I totally messed up last night- dinner prep took wayyyy too long lol. But normally I try not to eat past 9/10pm and I go to sleep around 1-3am.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I believe it doesn't matter if you eat after seven o' clock or not. Generally one is not supposed to eat two to three hours before the time they go to bed. It gives your body time to digest the food you're eating. I *try* my best to follow this rule and sometimes I don't succeed. If I don't, I don't beat myself up for it. There's something about night time that makes me want to snack. :-p
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Actually, the advice not to eat before bedtime in order to lose weight has been disproved. Studies show that it doesn't matter when you eat the calories or how many you eat at one time, or how often you eat them, as long as you eat less then you burn, you lose the weight.

    Now, there may be other reasons not to eat at that time -- some people find eating then triggers them to binge or at least over-eat, others get heartburn, or don't sleep as well, etc. -- but interfering with weight loss is not one of them.

    I eat right up until bedtime, myself. I can't get my calories in otherwise.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    It doesn't matter when you eat. It doesn't matter when you exercise, unless you can't get to sleep afterwards. I live on the east coast and am usually up until 3am or so and sleep till 10-11. I had difficulty closing my food and exercise diary before midnight. Then I had the ol' light bulb go off.... I changed my time zone on MFP! I now have it set to Pacific time, which is 3 hours earlier than it is here, so now I can log stuff until 3am without a problem. No need to worry about what goes on which days. I routinely have a snack (yogurt and fruit usually) an hour or two before bed. I haven't noticed any loss issues.

    Good Luck!
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    fffff. I just finished eating "dinner" at it's past 9 pm. But I stay up until 3 am usually, so it's not a big deal. Usually I have 2 snacking sessions after dinner time as well!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    I'm on the same schedule as you. I don't go in to work until 5pm most days, except Wednesdays when I go in at 12pm. I stay up until 3AM easily and wake up around 11am-12pm. I have lost a little over 7 lbs so far and have been doing this since December 20th, so I'd say it's still possible. I try not to eat after 12 or 1am if I'm going to bed at 3am.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I am not usually. Normally I am in bed by 10pm because I have an infant who wakes me up all hours of the night. But, my husband had to go to the hospital so I am worried and I don't want to sleep for now.