
I joined on Thursday so I thought I would come in and say hi!

Im 29, Mum of three ages 12, 8 and 6.

Five years ago I was 224 pounds, Im 5 ft 1 in so I was rather unhappy! My partner and I split up and so the take aways we shared together at least 5 times a week stopped, the sweets didnt get bought and it was always me doing the school runs, I went down to 112 pounds within a year but was very ill, I had kidney problems and started passing out, it wasnt a nice time at all! I have now gone up to 140 pounds, my biggest problem is snacking, my BMI says Im over wieght and Im not happy with my size, Im aiming to lose 20 pounds.


  • everyrose
    Hey hun!

    You know me, thought I'd say hello and good luck with your journey xxx