Hi, I'm new :)

Jb71483 Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,

My name is Jenn and well, I guess you know why Im here. I had Gastric Bypass done 10 yrs ago and with the surgery I would lose 90lbs which would bring me down to 175lbs....I should mention that I'm only 5ft tall. I guess I should also mention that I was 18 yrs old at the time. The surgery was a success and still is. It gab=ve me one hell of a jump start. I actually went down to 140lbs bc I became extremely active and no longer craved the foods I once loved. It really did change my tastebuds. Sadly, I gained weight and I'm now at 175lbs which is where the surgery left me. Main reason why I gained weight? Boredom. I got married, moved across the country and lost my job in thr process...not to mention that I finally learned how to cook hehe :) My avg weight had been 155lbs and now I'm 20 lbs heavier than that. I'm def not happy with myself and I have been "kind of" trying to lose weight for the past few months to no avail.

I am a bridesmaid in a friends wedding come July and I want to go back to 145lbs. Besides that, I'm extremely flexible and medical advice is that I get physically fit in order to help control my flexibility and get more stability in my body. So, theres a few reasons as to why I want to get fit and lose some weight. I have been doing the food journal for almost 2 weeks now and it has been great! I no longer feel bloated and icky. I feel like I'm really starting to re-gain control in my life! :) The hard part? I live on a miltary base and its hard to make friends. When I get the urge to eat because I'm bored...I dont really have anyone to talk to. All my friends and family live on the East coast and I'm currently in Kansas and will probably be here for the next 4 years. If I could make some friends that understand and know where I'm coming from without having to explain myself tooo much...it would be FABULOUS!!!! I start going back to the gym on Monday and I'm super excited. I hope to make some friends here and get some type of support :) Thanks for reading!!
P.S I do talk a lot haha :)


  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    There is TONS of support on here!! Great tips, advice and recipes.
    The people are wonderful!
    I'll send you a friend request!
    Good luck!! : )
  • Best of luck on your journey!!! I added you as a friend =)
  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Sarah. I'm Mary and guess what? I had the gastric bypass 10 yrs ago also. I had mine in Yipsilanti,Mi. I also lost and went down to 172#. But I did the one thing my surgeon told me NOT to do. I tasted sugar. And with this kind of surgery you can absolutely not have sugar if you expect to lose. I'll never forget what the surgeon said b4 I had the surgery. He said," Mary,I'm doing surgery on your stomach Not your brain". I found that kind of funny. But now know it was so true. There is no quick fix. Or permanent fix. But we did the right thing when we joined this group. I need to lose at least 30 more #'s and when I get there I'll see if I want to lose more. So see,you have a sister here if you want me as a friend. I joined in Jan. I have now lost 7#. This is just an awesome way to go.Hope you accept my friendship. Thank you and God bless you as we journey down this road together.
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