
monkeyk Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello fellow Fitness pals.. My name is Jenn.. and I am new any words of wisdom send them my way...


  • hello jenn

    i have been on for 2 weeks this is a good program

    i love it
    i am angelbrs64 i am nancy
  • brondelyn
    brondelyn Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm Brondelyn. New to this page. I've been logging in going on 2 weeks now. I must admit that I really like this program.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hello!!! Welcome all of you! My name is Tarran. I've been doing MFP for 6 months now. I had added it to my phone then quit using it then discovered the web page and fell in love. I lost 14 lbs in a month and a half (Oct/Nov) then stopped and gained about 4 back...I am back at it now!!! :) I love mfp!! I was a huge weight watchers online and FB nut and this has replaced those two pretty much. I love this site and all the people on it. My best advice is to STICK WITH IT! Track.. even if you are going over!!! Add lots of friends! Tell family/friends who might be interested and have them join!!! Those people can be on here to support you! As well as your other friends. ! Just remember to take it a day or as I like to say a bite at a time! The biggest goal is to stick with it. A good example is that if I would have stuck with it since I started... I would already have lost at leasssst 50 to 75 lbs!!! But instead I am at 9... or 1 as my profile says! Anywayyyyys hope that you keep with it!!! Add me as a friend if you would like! Can't have enough support!!!
  • Love you Monkey. So happy to see you on here. :)
  • Hi Jen, I'm Christine and Eric's Dad. I'm new here also. I've lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks, pretty cool. It takes a lot of willpower to do this but it is doable. The big hurdle I have to overcome is not to have that second helping and snacking after dinner. Hang in there and we will do it together.
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