Eating out for lunch

it is my father in laws 60th birthday so we are going out for lunch to a beefeater restaurant. it has never occured to me before to check the website for a nutrition menu but trying to remain true to my calory counting I had a look to decide what I would have. OMG! It Actually scared me how many calories I would have eaten before starting this new lifestyle! THe average starter is around 350 calories, average main with rice/potatoes is around 1000, and the puddings average around 600! Madness!

So I have decided to chose a starter, tikka skewers and have them as my main course with a side salad. Total of 280 calories. Thank god for nutritional menus.


  • 951heather
    951heather Posts: 75 Member
    Good job planning ahead. And Happy Birthday to your father in law! :)
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    Yup, I know exactly what you mean. Really, until you start looking up your foods, you never have any idea how much you are actually eating. I used to wonder how I got overweight, but now it seems kind of obvious. I had dinner out tonight and used the MFP android app to see what I could eat. Saw one of the appetizers was 2330 calories!! One of the burgers was as many calories as I eat all day now---crazy!
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    I try to check on things before I go out. It's an eye opener.