How often do you weigh yourself?



  • droppin_lbs
    droppin_lbs Posts: 107 Member
    EVERY Day!! lol....

    I was actually doing it about once a week but I was not losing weight as fast as I'd like ( 1 pound a week is my goal) so I starting experimenting by upping my calories etc.. so I starting weighing and logging it everyday to get tabs on what's working and what's not....

    I like it though I like knowing where my progress (or not) is at everyday. Of course you have to keep in mind the normal fluctuations.

    Best of luck! :)
  • marybelmontez
    I weigh myself once a day. I always do it in the morning before I eat. I've learned a lot about my body doing this. I know that if I go overboard on fried or salty food I'm going to gain at least 2-3 pounds from one day to the next. However, this weight is not permanent because it just means that my body is retaining a lot of water. However, if I gain a pound and it sticks around for a couple of days, that's when I have to change something in my workout or nutrition. During the holidays I gained and regained between 5 pounds. Staying at a constant overall. I looked at my food and exercise and noticed that I was consuming more calories some days and then combating it with more exercise on others, but the constant tracking helped me maintain my weight. I wasn't losing during the holidays, but at least I didn't gain weight. Once the holidays were over, I started only losing again. Knowing my weight on a daily basis keeps me on track. If I gain weight, I look at my food dairy and analyze to see what I ate that could have caused the gain, however, most of the time I know what I did. Just like I track my food, it's important to track the weight everyday. If the scale doesn't move in a couple days, that's fine, I might just need to modify something, let it be exercise or food. Sometimes this small modification will show a quick loss in a couple pounds. It could because there was too much sodium from processed foods, or I might not be drinking enough water. In conclusion, weighing myself everyday keeps me on track. Just learn not to get frustrated with the numbers, and be proud of yourself when you start feeling your clothes lose, you start having to pull your pants up every 5 minutes, and/or you begin to get complements from family an friends all the time. These should be the true measures of your success not just the numbers on a machine.
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    I'll admit, I probably weigh in at least once or twice a day, but I try to only LOG one weigh-in per week (i.e. Monday morning weigh-ins).
  • MemphisMarly
    I weigh daily. Helps keep me motivated.
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    I also weigh myself everyday in the morning as soon as i wake up :ohwell: i keep a journal right next to my scale so that i can keep track of my daily weight. I also write down if I exercised or not. I know it's obsessive but I can't help it :grumble: oh well :bigsmile:
  • TexasTKD9
    I weigh myself everyday too! Just can't help it I wanna know how i'm doing.... I guess its a bit obsessive but keeps me on top of things!
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    I vary. Sometimes every day sometimes every 3 days, sometimes once a week... sometimes 2 times a day (one in the AM and one in the PM before bed to get an idea of what it will be in the morning, since I know it's less in the morning)