High-fibre dinners?

So, about 6-7 months ago my doctor diagnosed me with IBS, and as a result I'm eating more fibre to attempt to control and drinking more water. Overall, it's quite adaptable into my eating habits, makes me feel more alert (deffo more the water part) and i can just feel healthy overall - i don't feel constantly drained and i'm not grazing as often prior to diagnosis. i manage to get a good amount of fibre into my breakfast - sultana bran/weetabix/porridge and my lunch - wholemeal bread/wholemeal bread and scrambled egg/maltloaf. however, i'm starting to run out of things for dinner, as my imagination can only go so far with what to do with brown rice!

so if any of you have some great ideas for high-fibre dinners, they'd be an absolute lifesaver for me! thanks :D


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Does the fiber from veggies count? Stir-fries and soups/stews with lots of veggies are awesome ways to pack huge amounts of fiber into one meal (and you could serve either of those with brown rice), although I'm not sure if the fiber from veggies (and beans/lentils) acts the same way as carbohydrate fiber.... Or, you could start eating breakfast foods at dinner, which I highly recommend (I'm a breakfast addict...).
  • carolynmittens
    you can't go wrong with just cooking up lots of veggies, especially dark leafy greens like kale or collards. lately i've been making little flatbreads from simply water and teff flour, fried like a pancake, and eating them with my veggies. teff flour is an amazing grain alternative packed with fiber, protein, calcium and iron (ethiopians use it to make injera). lentils are also a super healthy choice, try making curried lentils with a half can of fire roasted tomatoes mixed in. also theres tons of whole grain pastas out there, the ezekiel brand is really good.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I used to have IBS and Ulcerative Colitis but i had an ileostomy bag fitted (and then reversed after my whole large intestine was removed) and i just have to say i am so glad that you are able to manage your IBS!
    I'm trying to think of the fibrous meals my mum used to make me....
    - Vegetables curries with chickpeas,spinach, sweet potatoes etc. My mum used to make a really good lentil daal
    - Baked apples with (low fat) custard & cinnamon for dessert (you can also poach pears and peaches in flavoured water or even bake bananas!)
    - Hoummous and wholemeal pitta breads!
    - Flapjack! :)
    - you can make things with pasta like cannelloni,ravioli or tortelloni and then fill it with walnuts, sweet potato,tomato,spinach etc

    The BBC good food website has a lotsof recipes,i have made a few healthy muffins with thinkslike oats,raisins, dates,prunes or pumpkin seeds which taste great and have approx. 122 calories (thats what the recipe i used said but i can't find the link for it right now!)

    Hope that helps!
  • QueenObscene69
    QueenObscene69 Posts: 14 Member
    I have IBS too! and having gone thru the horrors of it my whole life, i've become the fiber master! haha.

    try having a BIG salad for dinner, with 1/2 an avocado (7g fiber!!), some baby beets, mixed greens, and any other veggies you like! you could easily add an extra 15g of fiber to your diet with this "trick" if you get a bit creative.

    if you don't feel like a salad, try having a baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli...it's very kind on the tummy :)