Newbie saying hi

Hello i just joined mfp yesterday and so far im loving it. I really like that it has so many foods & exercise in the database that i dont have to type in labels and such. I would really like to tone up and get into shape for my sons 5k coming up in a few months. I have never done a 5k before so this will be my first but its for a great cause and i really want to feel better and look better so its my motivation.

Since the weather her in missouri is horrible right now and i dont belong to a gym my main exercise is the xbox kenects but that aint no joke its really much harder than i thought. I exspected it to be like the wii but its not it watches every inch of your body and makes you do it right. Im loving dance central and we also have a few other games that are a good workout. Zumba & the fitness one is my next buy and i cant wait. If any of you are on xbox 360 add me if you want im prettyprinces1


  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    awesome!! Im getting in shape for a 5k too! :)
  • babemakes4
    good luck have you done one before? I want to jog/run it i know i can walk it no biggie. we are rasing $ for a new playground since out school doesnt have one.
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    Welcome! I'm trying to work toward doing a few 5k's this year as well!
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Welcome to MFP!
  • babemakes4
    Thanks for the warm welcome and friend requests :)
  • caseykm
    caseykm Posts: 37
    Welcome! A 5k is a great motivation especially since it's for a good cause. From my experience races are so much fun and you'll be so proud of yourself when you finish! Good luck :)